Professor Paulo Nussenzveig is the Pro-rector for Science and Inoovation of the University of Sao Paulo, USP, Physicist with main scientific interest in Quantum Optics and Quantum Information Science.
Professor Kaline Coutinho is the Director of the Physics Institute of USP, her research work expands on Theoretical Molecular Physics and its Modelling.
Prof. Beatriz Barbuy is the Vice-Director of IAG, USP, a renowned astrophysicist, member of academy of Science of Brazil, France and TWAS, Honorary Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society, Honorary Member of the American Astronomical Society.
Prof. Ronaldo Hashimoto is the Vice-Director of the Statistics and Mathematics Institute, IME, at USP, Professor at the Department of Computing Science.
Professor Silvio Ikuyo Nabeta is the Vice-Director of the Polytechnic School at USP, PhD at the Department of Energy and Electrical Automation,University of São Paulo; I. Nabeta is Full Professor at Department of Energy and Electrical Automation of Polytechnic School - University of São Paulo. He is currently director of Electrical Drives and Machines Laboratory. He has experience in...
Dr. Isolda Costa, is the Director of Research and Development at the Nuclear and Energy Research Institute (IPEN); her main topics of research interest are corrosion in aluminum alloys, stainless steels, biomaterials and surface treatments by clean technology processes.
In absence of both Drs Isolda Costa and Wilson Calvo, IPEN Superintendant, Dr. Ricardo Samad made the presentation of...
Prof. R. D'Elia Matheus is the Vice-Director of the IFT-UNESP, and expert in the Phenomenology of the Standard Model of Particle Physics and its extensions.
Prof Marcelo Nitz is the Pro-rector of the Maua Institute of Technology, IMT, at Sao Paulp.
The University of São Paulo (USP) in Brazil and France’s National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) will launch an International Research Center (IRC) in early 2024. This will be the fifth unit of the kind established by CNRS, which already has similar partnerships with the University of Arizona and the University of Chicago in the United States, Imperial College London in the United...
The overall school organization and objectives with a summary of the full training provided by this international school series and the importance not only of the lectures and keynotes but indeed of the hands on Labs sessions was stressed at the beginning of this session. The attendance to the Labs and evaluation by Lab organizers is a crucial aspects for the overall evaluation of the school...
Authors: N. Added, V.A.P. Aguiar, S.G. Alberton, E.L.A. Macchione, M.A. Guazzelli, N.H. Medina, and A. Villas-Bôas, Universidade de São Paulo, USP, Institute of Physics, LAMFI Lab.
Author: Prof. Yoshinobu Unno (KEK-Japan) with contribution from HPK Photonics, Hamamatsu, JP.
Authors: Ian Tomalin (Rutherford Lab, RAL, and STFC, UK) and Carlos Ruben Dell'Aquilla (SPRACE-Nucleo Center de Computacion, NCC, UNESP, BR)
Authors: Teppei Katori (Kings College London, UK), Hiroshi Nunokawa (PUC-Rio, RJ, BR), and Alexander Argüello Quiroga ( UNILA, PA, BR).
Presented by Aurore Savoy-Navarro, on behalf of Wendy Williams
Authors: This Lab was run at the Institute Maua of Technology, IMT, in the metropolitan area of Sao Paulo, by Renato Romio, Clayton B. Zabeu, Gustavo Cassares Pires and Jácson B. V. Antolini.
Authors: Ricardo Samad and Jhonatha Ricardo dos Santos, Center of Lasers and Applications, IPEN-CNEN, Br
Two files are included here, the shortest one corresponds to the presentation of the Hands-on Labs on 28/8 by R. Samad and the second one corresponds to the presentation made by the Lab organizers as introduction to the Lab session.
Authors: This Lab was run alternatively by: Sandro Rigo, Hervé Yviquel, Marcio Pereira & thanks to the OMPC Team, Institute of Computation, IC of the UNICAMP, Campinas, BR.
Prof Wim Bogaerts was arriving on August 30 early morning and gave his first hands-on Lab on the afternoon of that same day. But being absent for the Lab presentation, he prepared this video here attached to be presented at the Labs presentation on Augusr 28, afternoon.
This Lab was taught by Javier Campos, first on-remote from FermiLab the first week of the school and then on presential when Javier came to Sao Paulo (from 4/9 to 9/9).
Author: This Lab was organized and taught by Dr. Ozgur Mehmet Sahin (IRFU-CEA, University Paris Saclay, FR)
Author: Marlon Sproesser Mathias is Professor at the Mechanical Engineering Department of Escola Politécnica at USP and Member of the Center for Artificial Intelligence (C4AI) located at INOVA-USP.
Authors: Gleydson Fernandes de Jesus and Otto Menengasso Pires (SENAI- CIMATEC/LAQCC, BR), Genaro Costa EVIDEN/ATOS R&D Labs at SENAI-CIMATEC, Adhvan Furtado- EVIDEN South America Sales Director.
The hands-on Lab was taught by Gleydson de Jesus, in-person over the first week and on-remote by Otto Menengasso Pires, the second week.
At the time where several programs both on Space (with new Space telescopes) and on Earth (with largest terrestrial observatories) are prepared or being launched, an exciting period is opened for crucial advances in the exploration of the Universe and understanding of crucial aspects such as indeed the Dark Energy and Dark Matter.
Lecturer: PhD in Astronomy by Universidade de São Paulo, USP...
Abstract: In this introductory lecture, fundamental aspects of plasma physics will be developed, such as plasma occurrence in Nature and in the lab, quasi-neutrality, Debye shielding, electron plasma oscillations, and Alfvén waves. Particle orbits in magnetic fields will be explored in view of magnetic containment of plasmas and applications of plasmas in industry and medicine will be...
CHAIRED by: Dr. Ozgur Mehmet Sahin (CEA-IRFU, University Paris-Saclay)
Abstract: Quantum science emerged from studies of the smallest objects in nature. Today, it promises to deepen our understanding of the universe and deliver groundbreaking technology, from quantum computers to ultra-precise measuring devices to next-generation materials, quantum sensing, quantum communication with the...
Abstract: In the past few years, two design innovations have radically changed the performance of silicon detectors and turned silicon sensors into high-resolution timing detectors, fit to meet the very demanding requirement of future 4D trackers. In this presentation,I will review the performance improvements that these two design innovations, low-gain (LGAD) and resistive read-out (RSD) [1],...
Abstract: Timing detectors are an indispensable tool in collider experiments. The advent of new precision timing detectors will enhance resolution to a few tens of picoseconds. Beyond aiding precise physics measurements and new physics searches, these detectors will play a pivotal role in addressing the reconstruction challenges posed by future high-luminosity detectors. In this lecture, we...
Abstract: Moore’s Law predicted the sustained scaling that our industry has enjoyed for decades. End consumers have come to expect ever-increasing functionality at lower cost with each passing year. However, in the coming decade the limits of physics will forcibly slow the pace of geometric scaling, perhaps all but ending it. In the face of this issue, the industry is looking for new ways to...
CHAIRED by Vinicius Njaim Duarte (PPPL, Princeton, USA)
This keynote will review three main facets of the High Field Magnet technology, were indeed they are essentiel:
1) Application to the future colliders under study: the muon colliders and the high energy hadron colliders
2) Application to MRI (the highest field magnet for MRI is the one developed at Saclay CEA for NEUROSPIN, 11.7...
Abstract: The lecture will introduce the technology and the science of the mega-scale neutrino experiments Hyper-Kamiokande and DUNE that are currently being built in Japan and the US. While the neutrino was discovered experimentally over 60 years ago, it has not given up all its secrets just yet. Oscillations between its flavour states are now well established and have been studied in detail...
Abstract: Neutrino oscillation discovered in 1998 through the observation of atmospheric neutrinos by the Super-Kamiokande experiment implies that neutrinos have non-zero masses, which was the first evidence of physics beyond the standard model of elementary particles where neutrinos are massless. Since then, thanks to many neutrino experiments based on solar, atmospheric, accelerator and...
Abstract: The lecture will review the Physics and environmental challenges to be confronted by experiments to successfully run at a high energy Muon (3 to 10 TeV) or a high energy Hadron proton-proton collider (100 or more TeV). This means new generation of tracking detectors (both microvertex, near the colliding region and outer detectors i.e. at large radius from the beam pipes), the...
CHAIRED by: Dr.Nadia Pastrone (INFN-Torino, IT)
Abstract: Beyond the successful completion of the high-luminosity LHC, the ESPPU (European Strategy for Particle Physics Update) identified an e+e– Higgs factory as the highest priority future collider, and tasked CERN to undertake a feasibility study for a hadron collider operating at the highest possible energies, with a Higgs factory as a...
The SKAO is a next-generation radio astronomy-driven Big Data facility that will revolutionise our understanding of the Universe and the laws of fundamental physics. Enabled by cutting-edge technology, it promises to have a major impact on society, in science and beyond.
The SKA Observatory, or SKAO for short, is an intergovernmental organisation bringing together nations from around the...
Abstract: In this talk I will present the current status of 21 cm cosmology and its capabilities to be used as a probe to determine cosmological parameters. The BINGO radio telescope is an instrument built in Brazil and led by Brazilian scientists, devoted to study the 21 cm emission and to detect baryon acoustic oscillations in the radio band.
Lecturer: Carlos Alexandre Wuensche has a...
Chaired by Prof. Stefan Soldner-Rembold (Manchaster U, Head of the Physics Department)
Abstract: In this lecture we look forward, beyond the next generation giant neutrino experiments presently under contraction, T2HK and DUNE, and will explore the landscape of experiments and facilities that are in preparation or being considered for precision oscillation studies and could become 'next-to...
Abstract: In the current rise of environmental challenges and depletion of conventional energy sources the quest for a viable future requires a profound transformation in the world's energy landscape. This seminar will explore definitions, conventional and renewable sources, storage, integration of smart grids, optimisation of resource utilization and minimisation of waste. Emphasis will be...
The Brazilian Nuclear Energy Commission (CNEN) decided to construct a new research reactor, named RMB (Brazilian Multipurpose Reactor). This reactor will be part of a new nuclear research center, to be built on a site about 100 kilometers from São Paulo city, in the southeast part of Brazil. It is a 30 MW open pool-type research reactor using low enriched uranium fuel, and several...
Abstract: In this lecture, some principles of nuclear fusion and plasma physics will be presented. Special attention will be given to magnetic confinement fusion, which is nowadays the most developed method of confining hot thermonuclear plasmas. In addition, a brief overview of the state of the art on magnetic confinement fusion is provided. At the end, an overview about the newly growing...
Abstract:Nuclear fusion has been pursued by mankind since the mid-20th century, and ignition has been obtained recently by laser inertial confinement, where 3MJ were liberated by a fuel pellet irradiated by 2MJ of laser light. There is still a long way to go before practical applications, and this lecture will present a simplified view of the inertial confinement fusion physics and the...
Abstract: The need for large-scale models and simulations is more and more increasing, these last years. To provide support to process them, the High-Performance Computers are reaching Exascale capacities, most of them using accelerators. How to obtain better results with this increasing complexity of top computers? In this talk, I will discuss several topics related to performance...
Abstract: The High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) and the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) are both global scientific experiments that will produce Exabytes of data on a similar timescale and will require significant global resources to process and analyse their data. The CERN, SKAO, GÉANT and PRACE consortium was formed to address this burning need for computing resources and lay the foundation for High...
Abstract: The next generation of multi-science hubs such as the SKA are based on a highly challenging operating principle: they generate extreme scale data volumes to be processed and reduced in a guaranteed maximum time, while remaining as energy efficient as possible and operable for decades. To build these infrastructures, the complete digital continuum has to be realized, through a...
EllaLink is a carrier neutral & open-access provider, a perfect partner for a telecoms operator looking to improve their existing customer’s connectivity experience and to create a new range of products and solutions in their portfolio.
The EllaLink network has been specifically designed to address the increasing demand for a new low latency route between Europe and Latin America. Creating a...
Abstract: In this talk I will briefly introduce several on-going and near-future space X-ray astronomy missions of China: 1) Insight-HXMT X-ray mission (launched on June 15th, 2017, , mostly on X-ray binaries and GRBs); 2) GECAM (launched on December 10th of 2020, small satellites on GRBs and other transients from several keV to MeV); 3) SVOM (to be launched by the end of 2024, carrying...
Photonics is defined as the field of science and engineering that involves the precise manipulation of light, and particularly at a microscopic level (i.e. the scale of the wavelength of light). One of the key technologies that enable this field is the use of Photonic Integrated Circuits, i.e. chips which make it possible to generate, guide, distribute, diffract, filter, modulate...
Abstract: The confinement of light in optical microguides and cavities enables us to achieve exotic regimes of nonlinear optics, even with low power levels. Specifically, by recirculating light in optical microcavities, the intensity of the stored field can be increased by thousands of times compared to the incident field, resulting in amplified interaction between light and matter. In this...
Abstract: Wireless data and power transmission is a necessity and a challenge in the High Energy Physics (HEP) community: a necessity because it will end up with the cabling and will accelerate the triggering process, a challenge because it requires high rate data transmission, especially in the tracker detector region (close to the interaction point between the two beams of particles) of the...
Lecturer: Marcelo Finger is Professor of Computer Science at the Institute of Mathematics and Statistics, University of São Paulo. He received his BSc in Electronic Engineering from the University of São Paulo, MSc and PhD (1994) in Computing by the Imperial College, University of London. He was a visiting professor in Computer Science department in Université Paul Sabatier - Toulouse (2011)...
In the transformative era of quantum computing, the fusion of quantum mechanics and machine learning promises to revolutionize data-driven tasks. In this lecture, we will present the fundamental concepts of Quantum Machine Learning (QML), offering participants an understanding of its potentials and challenges. Our goal is to demystify the quantum learning algorithms that may soon...
Abstract: Pursuing answers to fundamental questions about our nature requires searches for the ultra-rare, very subtle, and the inspection of nature at extremely fine spatial and temporal scales. Cutting-edge experiments are often confronted with massive amounts of very rich data on which Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques provide powerful insights. To accelerate scientific discovery,...
CHAIRED by Prof. Yoshinobu Unno (KEK, Japan)
Two of the most challenging questions facing astrophysics and fundamental Physics are the natures of dark energy, the cause of the accelerated expansion of the Universe, and of dark matter, the dominant but unknown form of matter in the cosmos. The European Space Agency’s (ESA) Euclid mission is a satellite dedicated to answering these questions....
Abstract: This lecture will review the fundamentals of quantum theory and concepts such as superposition , entanglement, as a basis of quantum technologies.
Lecturer: Barbara Lopes Amaral, Master and PhD in Mathematics at the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG) carried on with a stay at the University Autonoma of Barcelona (2014). Postdoctoral position at the International Institute...
Abstract: Thermodynamics sets bounds for different technologies including quantum technologies. In the latter case, out-of-equilibrium dynamics, energy fluctuations and randomness are fundamentally present. On the other hand, modern techniques for manipulation of quantum systems allow experimental access to microscopic states, making explicit the role of information theory in different...
Abstract: Cold atoms represent an ideal platform for the implementation of second-generation quantum technologies. Particularly interesting opportunities emerge from a coherent coupling of the atoms to single-mode light fields enabled by resonant optical cavities. In this lecture, after a general introduction into the world of cold atoms, I will present two of our research lines. In the first...
Chaired by Prof. Ricardo D'Elia Matheus (IFT-UNESP)
Lecturer: Bachelor and Master Degrees at PUC-Rio (Pontifical Catholic University), Paulo A. Nussenzveig achieved his PhD at the University Pierre et Marie Curie, Ecole Normale Superieure (ENS) in Paris (1994). He is Professor of Physics at the University of São Paulo (USP), Brazil, where he co-heads the Lab for Coherent Manipulation of...
Speaker: Robert Patti is the president of NHanced Semiconductors, Inc. He has spearheaded the development and delivery of cutting-edge 3D and 2.5D integration technology for high energy physics, medicine, automotive, military, HPC, and other fields. He has managed hardware engineering teams in several organizations, including successful startups. Dr Patti received the 2009 SEMI Award for North...
Speaker: Dr Sebastian Weidt is the Co-Founder and CEO of Universal Quantum - a UK company 50+ exceptional engineers, scientists and operational staff operating in the UK, US and Germany developing the world’s first million qubit quantum computer. to a The German government has recently become the latest backer of Universal Quantum’s technology by awarding one of the world’s largest government...
Speaker:: Account Manager at Versatus HPC graduated from Escola de Engenharia Mauá as Electrical Engineer.
For more than 50 years, dedicated his carrier to technology solutions and applications in many segments of the corporative market.
His new target, at present, is to bring his background and knowledge for HPC and AI projects at the Academia, creating support and different perspectives...
Speaker: Dr Mehdi Dahghan, PhD in Electronic Engineering from the Islamic Azad University Science and Research Brancg. Application Engineer at OpenCADD, MATLAB and Simulink Specialisat
Speaker: Dr Arnaldo Ortiz Clemente, PhD in Mechantronics from te UNICAMP, responsible to the Brazilain Educational Market from Mathworks for products and projects.
Speaker: Gustavo Villela is a seasoned professional with a diverse background in Information Technology and Business Management. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Information Technology at the University of State of Rio de Janeiro and an MBA in Business Management at Fundação Getúlio Vargas, and he is dedicating his studies to a second MBA in AI and Big Data at ICMC USP. With more than 20 years...
Speaker: PhD in Energy Atomic Commissariat , CEA Saclay (France), Physicist at CERN (Operation and Upgrades), 1994, with several responsibilities related to the different aspects of Accelerators design, engineering and construction plus ugrades (from the SPS to the LHC through the Large electron-positon collider, LEP)
Head of Technology Department since January 2014, at CERN, Geneva,...
Speaker: PhD in Electric Engineering from the Polytechnic School at USP, Professor in the Department of Engineering of Electronic Systems at POLI-USP since 2006, Marcelo Zuffo is the Director of the INOVA-USP Center at USP.
Authors: Daniella Lúmara Peres¹; Sajid Farooq¹; Rocío Raffaeli2;
Maria Virginia Croce 2; Adela Croce2; Denise Maria Zezell¹*.
¹Nuclear and Energy Research Institute, IPEN-CNEN, São Paulo, Brazil
2Universidad Nacional de La Plata, UNLP, La Plata, Argentina
Authors Hadassa Harumi Castelo Onisaki | Thesis Advisor: Roseli de Deus Lopes,
Integrated System Laboratory, LSI, at the Polytechnic School at USP.
For the PADME Collaboration
The PADME experiment (Positron Annihilation into Dark Matter Experiment) at Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati of INFN aims to search for a “Dark Photon” using positron on target collision at the DAΦNE Beam Test Facility.
The collaboration involves: INFN sezione di Frascati, Roma, Lecce and Torino, La Sapienza-Roma1 University, Politecnico Torino, University of...
Authors A. Mazzeo*1; G. P. Canal 2, M. I. Alayo1
1 Polytechnic School, Department of Electronic Systems Engineering / University of São Paulo, SP 05508-010, Brazil
2 Institute of Physics, Plasma Physics Laboratory - Tokamak / University of São Paulo, São Paulo, SP 05508-090, Brazil
The document here attached include a short video taken by Ricardo Mesquita during Angela's presentation. It...
Authors: . R. Fernandes Jr.1, G. P. Canal1, J. R. Richieri1, F. M. Salvador1, D. C. Taborda2 and M. Roberto3
1Institute of Physics, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, SP 05508-090, Brazil
2REMA, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, SC 88049-500, Brazil
3Aeronautics Institute of Technology, São José dos Campos, SP 12228-900, Brazil
For the CONNIE Collaboration:
CONNIE: COherent Neutrino Nucleus Interaction Experiment
International Collaboration: with 30 collaborating Institutes from Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Paraguay, Switzerland and USA, performed near the ANGRA 2 reactor at Angra dos Resi, Brazil.
Authors: Cruz M.S. (1,2), Canal GP (2), Santos MC (1), Schirru, R. (1)
1-Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ
2- University of São Paulo - USP
1Bruno Bestle Turrin; 2Fuad Kassab Jr.; 3Joaquim E. Vieira
1, 2 Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo; 3 Faculdade de Medicina da Universdade de São Paulo
Authors: Master Student: Caue Gomes Ferreira, Advisor: Drª Marcia Almeida Rizzutto
Instituto de Fısica da Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brasil - LACAPC*/DFNc
LACAPC is a Laboratory of Archeometry in the Department of Nuclear Physics , DFNc at the Physics Institute of USP.
F.A.F. Albuquerque¹, J.H.F. Severo², N.U. Wetter¹
¹Instituto de Pesquisas energéticas e Nucleares IPEN-CNEN, Brazil
²Institute of Physics of Universty of São Paulo, Brazil
Authors: 1D. Alves Matos, 1N. Kawahala, 2R. de Oliveira, Barcelos, 1 F.D.D. Hernandez
1 Laboratory of New semiconductors materials, IF-USP
2 Brazilian Synchroton Light Laboratory (CNPEM)
Authors: Mosst Tasnim Binte Shawkat,
Cinzia DaVia, Michael Taylor, Stephen J Watts, John Alison,
Department of Physics, University of Manchester, UK
Authors: Eduardo D. Stefanato, Nícolas M. Kawahala, Felix G. G. Hernandez
Authors: Gabriel Vian (MSc student at IFT-Unesp) and Dr. Ricardo D'Elia Matheus (professor at IFT - Unesp).
Authors: Elvis Cantelli, Ramachrisna Teixeira
Elvis Cantelli¹, Vitor Marrafon², Gustavo Beneduzi¹
1: University of São Paulo
2: Federal University of Itajubá
Author: Moises Mezo Rodriguez from: Facultad de Ciencias e Ingenierías Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, Peru.
Authors: Vitória Macêdo Costa Brandão, Ricardo Elgul Samad
Energy and Nuclear Research Institute – IPEN - CNEN
Authors: Pedro Leo Oliveira Marques*1, Ruy Marcelo de Oliveira Pauletti1, Juan Iraburu Elizondo2,
1)Polytechnic School, University of São Paulo, Brazil;
2)Physics Institute, University of São Paulo, Brazil;
Authors List:
A.S. Bouzan¹, R. Ramos Jr.¹, G.P. Canal², F.M. Salvador², J.I. Elizondo², R.M.O. Pauletti¹, J.Y. Saab Jr.³
¹Polytechnic School of the University of São Paulo, ²Institute of Physics of the University of São Paulo, ³Institute Mauá of Technology
Authors D.O. Novaes(1,2) , J.H.F. Severo (1) , F.B. Rizzato (2), F.A.F. Albuquerque (4) , T. Fernandes(1)
(1) Plasma Physics Laboratory, Institute of Physics, University of São Paulo, Brazil; (2) Institute of Physics, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul; (3) Faculty of Technology of São Paulo FATEC-SP, (4) IPEN-CNEN, Brazil.
Authors: Carlos Gabriel Santos 1 Frederico A. Genezini1
1Nuclear and Energy Research Institute (IPEN-CNEN, Brazil
Authors: Adson Soares de Souza, Gustavo Paganini Canal (adviser)
Adson was sick at the end of the school and could not print his poster, and thus presented it at the poster session. However his work will be taken in account also because of his participation to the hands-on Labs and to the lectures and keynotes sessions. He also attended the whole poster session on Saturday from 2h30 to...
Francisco Neme C. Dahab Institute of Physics, USP and Institute of Theoretical Physics, IFT, UNESP
Ricardo D'Elia Matheus, Institute of Theoretical Physics, IFT, UNESP, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Conceptual design of a system of RMP coils for the TCABR tokamak
F.M. Salvador1, G.P. Canal1, D.M. Orlov2, A.S. Bouzan3 N.M. Kot4, Y.P. Asnis1, A. Kleiner5, E.S. Seol6,
N.M. Ferraro5, F. Kassab Jr.3, J.H.F. Severo1, R.M.O. Galvão1
1 Institute of Physics, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, SP 05508-090, Brazil
2 University of California San Diego, San Diego, CA 92093-0417, USA
S. G. Alberton1,2, A. C. Vilas Bôas3, N. H. Medina1,
M. A. Guazzelli3, V. A. P. Aguiar1, N. Added1,
C. A. Federico4, O. L. Gonçalez4, J. Wyss5, L. Silvestrin2,
A. Paccagnella2, C. Cazzaniga6, M. Kastriotou6, C. Frost
1 Department of Nuclear Physics, University of São Paulo, Brazil
2 Università degli Studi di Padova, Italy
3 Centro Universitário FEI, Brazil
4 Institute for Advanced...
Speaker: Currently Computing Engineer at DELL Technologies and professor at SPTECH Digital School (from Lattes)
Two Lectures
1. Introduction to physics of biological systems.
In this lecture I will summarise the current state of study of biological systems from a physicist perspective, going from the nanoscale of proteins and DNA and to their their assembly into whole organisms. I will also discuss briefly the implications for other fields, including computer science and materials...
A number of new Fundamental Research Facilities are facing societal issues.They are indeed not new but take more and more importance as the consciousness of some societal aspects is increasing. They are not specific to this domain but impact many activity fields. It was thought to introduce this point in the School with some example case.
Abstract: In 2022, USP approved its new Innovation regime and the expansion of the activities of research and innovation pro-rectory. From this it is intended to expand support in initiatives that transform scientific knowledge into well-being and quality of life. In this lecture, Innovation Initiatives and actions at USP will be presented
Lecturer: PhD in Electric Engineering from the...