27 August 2023 to 10 September 2023
University of Sao Paulo, USP, Brazil
America/Sao_Paulo timezone

New data transmision means: The ELLA link as a new high speed high rate bridge between Europe and Latin America

4 Sept 2023, 12:10
University of Sao Paulo, USP, Brazil

University of Sao Paulo, USP, Brazil


Rafael Lozano (ELLA Link Counrty Manager)


EllaLink is a carrier neutral & open-access provider, a perfect partner for a telecoms operator looking to improve their existing customer’s connectivity experience and to create a new range of products and solutions in their portfolio.
The EllaLink network has been specifically designed to address the increasing demand for a new low latency route between Europe and Latin America. Creating a direct data corridor between the two continents and onwards to Africa, the Middle East and Asia is our primary goal.
With open access at key interconnection points in Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Lisbon, Madrid and Marseille, EllaLink has selected strategic data center partners whilst maintaining neutrality for our customers.
Uptime is crucial for today’s internet users and the EllaLink network has diversity built-in throughout, from our submarine cable route to our terrestrial paths, from building entry points right down to physical cabling.
At a time of constant change, bringing a reliable high-speed connection between Europe and Latin America is at the heart of all EllaLink solutions.

Besides, the BELLA link; BELLA-Building the Europe link to Latin America: the BELLA Programme provides support for the long-term interconnectivity of European and Latin American research and education communities through ‘EllaLink’, a new 6 000 km submarine cable.

Lecturer: Rafael Lozano is ELLA Link Country Manager, Administrator of the Brazilian end of the newest optic fiber cable since June 2019. This caEuble links rope with South America, providing the highest speed and availability, with the lowest delay between continents, since August 2021 (Text informed by the Lecturer).

Presentation materials