CAS course on "Normal- and Superconducting Magnets", 19 November - 02 December 2023, St. Pölten, Austria

Cityhotel Design & Classic Völklplatz 1 | 3100 St. Pölten Tel.: +43 (0) 2742 / 755 77 Fax: +43 (0) 2742 / 7 55 77 620
Amalia Ballarino (CERN), Frank Tecker (CERN)

In collaboration with MedAustron, the CERN Accelerator School is organising a course on 'Normal- and Superconducting Magnets’.

This unique 2-week residential course is of interest to staff and students in research laboratories, universities, and companies involved in accelerator magnets.

It will include a review of the magnet technology presently used in the field of particle accelerators as well as an overview of magnet measurement techniques.

The course reviews the state-of-the-art magnet technology in the field of particle accelerators for both normal- and superconducting magnets. It covers the fundamentals, magnet design, computational methods, materials and in particular low- and high-temperature superconductors, stability and quench protection aspects, fabrication and measurement techniques, and testing. Various magnets for a wide range of applications are discussed.
The lectures are complemented by hands-on exercises for the design of normal- and superconducting magnets, as well as magnet measurements.

In addition to the fundamental and technical knowledge presented by distinguished experts, the course will give the participants plenty of opportunity for networking within the superconductor and magnet communities. 


Since the number of participants will be limited, a ‘first come, first served’ basis is strictly applied.

Registration for LECTURERS