1–6 Oct 2023
Geremeas, Sardinia, Italy
Europe/Zurich timezone

Commissioning of the Upstream Tracker for the LHCb upgrade

5 Oct 2023, 17:40
1h 20m
Poster System Design, Description and Operation Thursday posters session


Carlos Abellan Beteta (University of Zurich (CH))


This contribution presents the latest advancements in integrating the Upstream Tracker in LHCb, including deploying control software, data acquisition firmware, decoding algorithm, and data analysis software. Additionally, the progress of different tasks is detailed, along with plans for the immediate future. The main focus of this talk is on the assessment of detector performance, including environmental conditions, electronics performance at the nominal operating temperature, and efficiency and noise hits at the nominal detector operation conditions. Various quality-control tests and component performance verification is described, as data captured with the dedicated firmware, showing the steps of the detector integration in LHCb.

Summary (500 words)

The LHCb experiment, a forward spectrometer located at the Large Hadron Collider, is focused on the study of decays involving beauty and charm hadrons.
During the second run of data taking, the experiment generated extensive data in flavour physics as well as other physics areas that make use of the LHCb experiment's forward acceptance.
A significant upgrade of the LHCb detector has been recently installed and is being commissioned. The upgraded detector can handle higher luminosity and has a flexible software trigger requiring all detector components to release their information at 40 MHz.
The upgrade included the Upstream Tracker: a detector comprising four planes of silicon microstrip detectors mounted on staves, located upstream of LHCb's bending magnet.
This critical component of the LHCb detector, essential for the software trigger, has recently been installed and is currently undergoing the commissioning phase with the goal of a careful but swift integration in the global data taking framework.
The installation process involved several quality control tests to ensure proper functionality, but the operation underground pose new challenges and each aspect of the detector performance need to be properly validated. For example, some aspects of the grounding are naturally different, and this is the first time that the two detector halves are brought together, with a new beam pipe seal . The commissioning process verifies performance and tunes all possible parameters to improve the situation if it is not the case.
Another important current goal is integrating the Upstream Tracker with the rest of LHCb; this includes a myriad of tasks like: deploying a control software, a data acquisition firmware, a decoding algorithm to be run in GPUs, data analysis software and many others.
This contribution presents the progress achieved in these tasks. It begins by summarizing the various components of the detector and explaining the steps to be undertaken to ensure its integration in the experiment. The contribution concludes by presenting the first available data that captured with the Upstream Tracker, with a preliminary assessment of its performance.


Carlos Abellan Beteta (University of Zurich (CH))

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