1–6 Oct 2023
Geremeas, Sardinia, Italy
Europe/Zurich timezone

Sardinia cultural heritage: the nuraghi and nuragic civilization

2 Oct 2023, 11:30
Oral Welcome


Dr Giovanna Fundoni (Università degli Studi di Sassari)


Sardinia has an age old history told by a great cultural heritage and the nuraghi are probably the most important archaeological and cultural evidence. These majestic stone towers, built in the second millennium B.C., have represented a long term landscape marker and a symbolic reference point for Sardinian communities. Extraordinary ancient architects designed and built at least 7000 monumental buildings all over the island, big stone towers that were symble and centre of life of a great civilization. Sardinia territory still preserves many other archaeological evidences of this great people life, such as monumental tombs (giant's tombs), temples as sacred wells, sanctuaries, villages and an important bronze artifact production (axes, swords, figurines, ecc.). Nuragic people controlled the whole island from North to South, but were also involved in the main sea routes and traffics of the Mediterranean sea. Nuragic finds in Cyprus, Crete, Sicily, Spain, Northern Africa show us the important role of this civilization in the Mediterranean Bronze and Iron age trades and networks.

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