In this talk I will address two topics. First I will discuss the production
of pions at very large rapidities (y > 7) in p-Pb and Pb-Pb collisions at the
LHC. These pions are produced through the magnetic excitation of nucleons in
the target due to the strong magnetic field generated by the projectile, i.e.,
N -> Delta -> N' pion. This process has a very large cross section and can
be used to measure the magnetic field produced by the projectile. The details
of the calculations were published in Phys.Lett.B 805 (2020) 135463
(arXiv:1910.00711) and Phys.Rev.C 103 (2021) 2, 024902 (arXiv:2011.00726). I
plan to report on new developments and improvements. Second, I will briefly
review the works (especially arXiv: 2307.12387)
on the production of exotic charmonium in UPCs and then
present the calculation of the production cross section of a D-Dbar molecular
state in photon-photon collisions in UPCs. This calculation involves the use
of an effective Lagrangian to produce the pair of charm mesons and a
prescription to bind them together forming the bound state. This is work in progress and will be concluded by the end of this year.