10–15 Dec 2023
Playa del Carmen
America/Cancun timezone


The University of Kansas has created the online journal: ``Proceedings of the International Workshop on the Physics of Ultra Peripheral Collisions" (link to be available soon). It will have a ISBN number, and all the articles will be assigned a DOI and linked to ORCID. It will be an open access journal, free of charge. Printed copies of the proceedings will be available for purchase at a moderate price.

All files (.tex, figures and .pdf) should be sent to the following e-mail addresses by Friday, May 3 , 2024 


The articles will not undergo peer review but they will be subject to the journal editors and scientific secretaries' review prior to publication. 

All proceedings should follow the LaTeX template that can be download here 

The document should not exceed 10 pages excluding references. Please contact the organizers if you need more pages. 

You are also invited to submit your contribution to arXiv. Specify the appropriate field and add the comment ``1st International Workshop on the physics of Ultra Peripheral Collisions (UPC 2023)". Your contribution will be associated with the INSPIRE HEP entry of the conference: https://inspirehep.net/conferences/2684509

As for the Moriond proceedings, you are encouraged to insert a photograph of yourself beneath the title of your presentation. If you prefer not to include your photo, simply remove the relevant line. You can use the conference picture taken by Matt Rennells and located on Dropbox.