10–15 Dec 2023
Playa del Carmen
America/Cancun timezone

BSM searches in UPCs: recent results and prospects

Not scheduled
Playa del Carmen

Playa del Carmen

Iberostar TUCAN, Lote Hotelero Nº2, P.º Xaman - Ha, Playacar, 77710 Playa del Carmen, Q.R., Mexico
Session 7: Future LHC experiments and EIC


Victor Gonçalves (Universidade Federal de Pelotas)


The experimental study of photon – induced interactions in hadronic collisions became a reality in the last years, motivated by the  possibility of improving our understanding of the Standard Model as well as by the opportunity to use these processes as an alternative tool to search for New Physics.  Recent results provided the first observation of the light – by – light (LbL) scattering, which is one of the most important predictions of Quantum Electrodynamics (QED), and demonstrated that the experimental analysis of the dilepton production by two - photon interactions is feasible. Moreover, such results also allow us to search for signals of Beyond the Standard Model (BSM) Physics in these final states. In this contribution I will discuss the searching of new particles (Axion - like and Dark photons) and anomalous electromagnetic moments of τ lepton in ultra peripheral collisions (UPCs) and present some prospects.

Primary author

Victor Gonçalves (Universidade Federal de Pelotas)

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