10–15 Dec 2023
Playa del Carmen
America/Cancun timezone

Photoproduction measurements in UPC at STAR

12 Dec 2023, 11:15
Playa del Carmen

Playa del Carmen

Iberostar TUCAN, Lote Hotelero Nº2, P.º Xaman - Ha, Playacar, 77710 Playa del Carmen, Q.R., Mexico
Session 3: UPC and saturation Vector meson photoproduction


Jaroslav Adam (Czech Technical University in Prague (CZ))


Exclusive vector meson photoproduction in ultra-peripheral collisions (UPC)
is a unique tool to study quantum chromodynamics in nucleus-nucleus
collisions. In a UPC, photon induced interaction takes place on one
of the nuclei, while the other is the source of virtual photon. Neutrons
may be emitted from the target nucleus and eventually detected
in a very forward calorimeter. Here we report on cross section measurements
of J/psi and psi(2S) photoproduction in UPC at STAR experiment in Au-Au
collisions at sqrt(s_NN) = 200 GeV. The cross sections are evaluated
as a function of meson rapidity, square of its transverse momentum
and photon-nucleus center-of-mass energy for the case of very forward
neutron detection.


Jaroslav Adam (Czech Technical University in Prague (CZ))

Presentation materials