Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

3rd CERN Baltic Conference (CBC 2023)

from Monday 9 October 2023 (09:00) to Wednesday 11 October 2023 (19:00)
Riga Technical University (268)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
9 Oct 2023
10 Oct 2023
11 Oct 2023
Registration - Silva Vitola Gundega Selga Horste (Riga Technical University (LV)) (until 10:45) (268)
Conference Opening - Karlis Dreimanis (Riga Technical University (LV)) (until 11:15) (268)
10:45 Practicalities - Karlis Dreimanis (Riga Technical University (LV))   (268)
10:50 Welcome by the Chairman of the CERN Baltic Group - Dr Brigita Abakeviciene Ants Koel (National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics (EE))   (268)
11:00 Welcome by the CERN Director for International Relations - Charlotte Lindberg Warakaulle (CERN)   (268)
11:05 Welcome by the Rector of Riga Technical University - Prof. Tฤlis Juhna (Riga Technical University)   (268)
Policy (until 11:55) (268)
11:15 Address from Estonia: Dr Mario Kadastik, Member of Riigikogu - Dr Mario Kadastik (Member of the Riigikogu)   (268)
11:25 Address from Lithuania: Ms Rasa Kulvietienฤ—, Advisor to the Minister of Education, Science and Sport of Lithuania - Ms Rasa Kulvietienฤ—   (268)
11:35 Address from Latvia: Ms Silvija Reinberga, Parliamentary Secretary of the Ministry of Education and Science - Ms Silvija Reinberga   (268)
11:45 Address from the Baltic Assembly: Mr Timo Suslov, President of the Baltic Assembly - Mr Timo Suslov   (268)
Baltic and National activities (until 12:50) (268)
11:55 Baltic particle therapy center initiative: status report, lessons learned and next steps - Prof. Toms Torims (Riga Technical University (LV)) Kristaps Palskis (Riga Technical University (LV))   (268)
Theory (until 10:35) (268)
09:00 A Bayesian estimation of the Milky Way's circular velocity curve using Gaia DR3 - Sven Poder (National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics (EE))   (268)
09:24 Relations between basis sets of fields in the renormalization procedure - Mr Simonas Drauksas (Vilnius University (LT))   (268)
09:48 Oblique corrections, when $m_W = m_Z \cos{\theta_W}$ - Vytautas Dudenas (Vilnius University (LT))   (268)
10:12 Overview of Exotic Spectroscopy at LHCb - Mindaugas Sarpis (University of Bonn (DE))   (268)
10:35 --- Coffee break ---
Experiment (until 13:00) (268)
11:00 Feasibility of OTIMA interferometry for antihydrogen gravity measurement - Valts Krumins (University of Latvia (LV))   (268)
11:24 Flavor-dependent (L5) MC truth jet energy corrections and flavor uncertainties in Run 2 - Andris Potrebko (Riga Technical University (LV))   (268)
11:48 The Current Higgs-Boson Portrait by the CMS Experiment - Aurelijus Rinkevicius (Vilnius University (LT))   (268)
12:12 Recent results from the CMS SMP-V group - Markus Seidel (Riga Technical University (LV))   (268)
12:36 Laser Photodetchment Threshold Spectroscopy on Radioactive Negative Ions - Uldis Berzins (University of Latvia (LV))   (268)
Technologies I : Medicine and Computing (until 10:15) (268)
09:30 Analytical pencil beam dose and dose-rate engine development for FLASH therapy studies of heavy ion and very high energy electron beams - Kristaps Palskis (Riga Technical University (LV))   (268)
09:54 Federated HPC environment for distributed CERN CMS TIER2 computing - Mr Janis Irbe (Riga Technical University (LV))   (268)
10:15 --- Coffee break ---
Technologies II: Accelerator Technologies (until 12:40) (268)
10:40 RTU Institute of Particle Physics and Accelerator Technologies activities in accelerator projects and additive manufacturing examination for accelerator applications - Andris Ratkus (Riga Technical University (LV))   (268)
11:04 Preliminary experimental evidence for the protrusion hypothesis on CuO forest - Sven Oras (University of Tartu)   (268)
11:52 The electric breakdown phenomena in accelerator design - numerical studies - Prof. Veronika Zadin (University of Tartu (EE))   (268)
12:16 LPBF of pure copper for particle accelerator applications - Tobia Romano (Politecnico di Milano, Riga Technical University)   (268)
12:55 --- Lunch ---
Industry engagement (until 15:10) (268)
14:00 Doing Business with CERN: ILO Report - Robert Aare (Estonian Business and Innovation Agency) Ms Alise Pika-Ozola (Industrial Liaison Officer for Latvia)   (268)
14:25 Primekss Concrete R&D center collaboration with Institute of Chemical Physics at UoL: Tritiated water (HTO) and concrete interaction - Rolands Cepuritis (Primekss SIA) Elina Pajuste (University of Latvia (LV))   (268)
14:50 Latvian industry in CMS - Guntis Pikurs (Riga Technical University (LV))   (268)
Presentation by the Livonian Institute (until 16:10) (268)
16:10 --- Coffee break ---
Poster session (until 18:00) (268)
16:20 Poster session - Mindaugas Sarpis (University of Bonn (DE)) Rudolfs Zabolockis (CERN, Institute of Chemical Physics of the University of Latvia) Viesturs Lacis (Riga Technical University (LV)) Patricija Kalnina (CERN, Institute of Chemical Physics of the University of Latvia) Normunds Ralfs Strautnieks (University of Latvia (LV)) Nana Chychkalo (Vilnius University (LT)) Mindaugas Ilickas (Kaunas University of Technology) Luca Piacentini (Riga Technical University (LV)) Lazar Nikitovic (Riga Technical University (LV)) Kristupa Seskauskaite Ehsan Moradpur-Tari (Institute of Technology, University of Tartu, Estonia) Dmitry Bocharov (Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia) Dairis Rihards Irbe Dace Osite (Riga Technical University (LV)) Conrado Munoz Diaz (Riga Technical University (LV)) Benjaminas Togobickij (Lithuanian Energy Institute) Antra Gaile (Riga Technical University (LV)) Andrey Chesnokov (Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia) Anastasiia Chekhovska   (268)
13:00 --- Lunch ---
Detectors (until 15:55) (268)
14:20 Raman and FTIR spectra analysis of radiation effects on neutron-irradiated CVD diamond crystals - Alise Podelinska (Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia)   (268)
14:44 CERN related activities by the group of Photoelectric Phenomena at Vilnius University - Tomas Ceponis (Vilnius University)   (268)
15:08 CMS Phase-2 Inner Tracker Pixel Chip Prototype Tests - Marijus Ambrozas (Vilnius University (LT))   (268)
15:32 Status of the MIP Timing Detector project for the CMS Phase-2 upgrade - Karlis Dreimanis (Riga Technical University (LV))   (268)
15:55 --- Coffee break ---
Conference keynote (until 17:50) (268)
16:20 Hunting new-physics footprints: the SMEFT program for the LHC - Ilaria Brivio (University of Zurich)   (268)
19:00 --- Conference dinner (TBC) ---
Conference close (until 13:10) (268)
12:40 Recap of CBC'23 - Dr Brigita Abakeviciene Ants Koel (National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics (EE))   (268)
13:05 Final remarks & close - Karlis Dreimanis (Riga Technical University (LV))   (268)
13:10 --- Coffee ---