Charm decays have immense potential to probe physics beyond the standard model [1, 2]. The charm sector has shown some interesting phenomena, for instance, $D^0-\bar{D^0}$ mixing and CP violation [3, 4]. The experimental upper bounds for the branching fractions are constrained at $7.9×10^{-8}$ for $D^0→e^+ e^-$[5] and $6.2×10^{-9}$ for $D^0→μ^+ μ^-$[6]. Recent results from the LHCb have provided the limit of the branching ratio of lepton flavour violating decays $D^0→μ^∓ e^±$ as $B(D^0→μ^∓ e^±)<1.3×10^{-8}$ [7] at $90\%$ confidence level. The Glashow-Iliopoulos-Maiani mechanism effectively suppresses the flavour changing neutral currents (FCNC) decays involving $𝑐 → 𝑢$ transitions which makes them sensitive to new physics (NP) effects. Among various NP models, the non-universal $Z'$ model is one of the best appreciated NP models. In this model, the rare decays occur at the tree level as they are mediated by a new gauge boson particle, the $Z'$ boson. In this work, we intend to investigate the rare charm decays involving $c→ul^+ l^-$ transition in non-universal $Z'$ model. We estimate the branching fractions of the decays $D→ρl^+ l^-$, $D→πl^+ l^-$, and $D_s→Kl^+ l^-$ in $Z'$ model with the leptonic couplings constrained from $D→μ^+ μ^-$ decays. We expect our study will provide more opportunities to explore NP in the charm sector.
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