Thermo-physical and transport properties of fluids at cryogenic temperature deviate significantly from their room temperature properties. The cryogenic fluid properties like density, specific heat, thermal conductivity, viscosity, etc. show non-linear behavior at supercritical regions. Hydrogen, Helium, and Neon being a quantum fluid do not follow the laws of corresponding states and require special attention. The developed correlations are based on the experimental data, which is scarce and limited to certain pressure and temperature ranges. Most of the time, one must rely on commercial property packages like REFPROP®, GASPACK®, HEPAK®, etc. for accurate cryogenic fluid properties. These property packages use various correlations, which provide accurate fluid properties at different ranges of pressure and temperatures e.g. helium properties up to 2.17 K are available in REFPROP [1], the most reliable data source based on the NIST database. CoolProp [2], an open-source property package, is widely used to obtain cryogenic fluid properties during process simulations performed on non-commercial platforms e.g. DWSIM etc. However, in a few cases, these property packages don’t provide transport properties e.g. thermal conductivity, viscosity, etc. for certain fluids e.g. p-Hydrogen, Deuterium, Neon, etc. and thermal conductivity data for n-Hydrogen shows the inaccuracy of ~ 20 % in the temperature range of 15 K to 30 K.
Therefore, there is a need for a cryogenic property package that is robust, accurate, and applicable over a wide range of temperatures and pressures. A new property package “CryoProp” has been developed on the Python platform for cryogenic fluids and inaccuracy in thermal conductivity data is improved to 2-4 % in the temperature range of 15 K to 30 K. A Graphical User Interface (GUI) has also been developed to use the “CryoProp conveniently”.
The poster will summarize the approach for developing a fluid property package and highlight its limitations. A comparison of the property data obtained with the standard database is also represented, which shows a good agreement.
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