Area reports: Fit and related systematics - Area 4
- There are no conveners in this block
Area reports: Observables - Area 3
- There are no conveners in this block
Area reports: Predictions & Tools - Area 2
- There are no conveners in this block
Area reports: Benchmark Scenarios from UV Models - Area 5
- Shankha Banerjee
- Sandra Kortner (Max Planck Society (DE))
- Peter Stangl (CERN)
Area reports: EFT formalism - Area 1
- There are no conveners in this block
Area reports: Area reports - Area 6
- There are no conveners in this block
Area reports: Joint session with LHC Higgs WG ( ACHTUNG: SEPARATE ZOOM:
- There are no conveners in this block
Recently there has been rapid increase in the number of full statistical models (or "likelihoods") published by the experiments. Most are based on the HistFactory (pyhf) format and published in HEPData. This allows theorists and others to reproduce and combine measurements with the same gold standard as the internal experimental results. However, these are mainly from SUSY and exotics searches...
The US National Science Foundation has funded a 3-year "Research Coordination Network" called FAIROS-HEP. FAIROS-HEP aims to foster the adoption of practices and cyberinfrastructure to enable reuse and reinterpretation of high energy physics (HEP) datasets. The network has funds to support international workshops and to contribute directly to cyberinfrastructure components such as INSPIRE,...
I will discuss the computation of effective action after integrating out heavy scalars and fermions respectively up to dimension eight. The result is very universal. The generic expressions for the effective operators up to dimension eight are computed for the first time and applicable for any UV model. At this current situation when we are looking more precise calculation beyond dimension...
This article studies the production of multiple Higgs bosons from longitudinal vector boson scattering in the context of effective field theories.
The equivalence theorem is employed for a clearer understanding of the $WW\to n\times h$ dynamics.
In this approximation, the Higgs dynamics is determined at lowest order in the general Higgs Effective Theory (HEFT) by the flare function...
Lagrangian terms of an effective field theory (EFT) are commonly organized as an expansion in terms of the EFT power counting. Field space geometry reorganizes these terms in a more efficient way, allowing the direct generalization of some known results to a resummed tower of operators containing higher-order terms, such as the renormalization group equations at one- and two-loop order, some...