The Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO) is a multipurpose neutrino experiment. JUNO will start to take data in the fall of 2024 with 2PB data each year. It is important that raw data is copied to permanent storage and distributed to multiple data center storage system in time for backup. To make available for re-reconstruction among these data centers, raw data also need to be registered into metadata and replicas catalogs of the JUNO distributed computing system. The raw data management system will take care of distributing raw data and running data processing activities in JUNO data centers. An automatic system based on JUNO distributed computing system has been designed and developed to do registering, replicating, archiving and data reconstruction in a data-driven chain. The monitoring dashboard has been designed and developed to ensure the quality of data transfer and processing. The prototype of the system has been tested with commissioning data in 2023 and the system will continue to join JUNO data challenge in early 2024.
Experiment context, if any | JUNO |