Mar 11 – 15, 2024
Charles B. Wang Center, Stony Brook University
US/Eastern timezone

Info for presenters


Plenary speakers will be alloted a 20+10 minutes slot. Please ensure to allow 10 minutes for questions. 

For parallel, you will be presenting for 15+5 minutes. As for plenaries, please make sure to resreve 5 minutes for discussion. Parallel sessions take place in the afternoons, from Monday to Thursday (Tuesday excluded). If you have scheduling constraints please contact us now and we will try to accommodate them.

While we will allow remote oral presentations, ACAT is a workshop and both your presentation and the audience will benefit significantly from you participating and presenting in person: a remote presentation will likely not have the same impact as an in-person one. We strongly recommend you to come in person and enjoy the lively atmosphere of ACAT, and profit from engaging in discussions also outside your presentation!


Posters should have one of the two following sizes:

  • EU: A0 (33.11 x 46.81 in or 841 x 1,189 mm)
  • North Amerca: Arch E (36 x 48 in or 914 x 1219 mm)


The posters will be mounted on white foam boards, portrait or landscape mode (due to requests, both will be provided to presenters). You are free to use any format as long as it does not exceed the provided foam board size. If you would prefer to handout small printouts of your poster please ensure you have a clearly visible poster-title to attach to the foam boards.

The foam boards will have velcro-dots (these can be provided to hang your poster if they are full size), blu-tac and push pins will also be available. A place to store your poster tubes for the duration of the workshop will be provided if needed. Please arrive early enough to hang your poster before the first plenary session on the day of your poster session. We can accomodate 48 posters at a time.

Please be sure to upload your poster to your poster entry in Indico significantly ahead of your poster session. Many people who can't attend the conference will want to look at the materials, and having them archived will make it easy. This will also reduce the number of nag emails from the conference organizers!

Best posters will be awarded a flash talk on the last day. This will be done by ballot and the ACAT International Advisory Committee members in attendance.

If you need to print your poster (last minute), note that there is a FedEx office right on campus that does provide this service . You can reach them via: but please, contact them as soon as possible (opening hours information available from the local Fedex location web site ).


Everyone should submit a paper to accompany their plenary, parallel or poster presentation. This is the most detailed record of your work for this conference. It will be published by IOP in their Journal Of Physics: Conference Series, and will show up as a small author paper in Inspire-HEP.