Mar 11 – 15, 2024
Charles B. Wang Center, Stony Brook University
US/Eastern timezone

Call for Sponsors

Computing activity in scientific research has always been closely related to the progress in the computing industry and, even more recently, with IT companies. This has been a win-win collaboration: On one hand research depends upon the great advances from industry, such as the design of CPUs and GPUs; on the other hand the Web and HTTP, while invented for and by high energy physics, have played a leading role in the development of today's digital economy. At present stage, new Machine Learning techniques and services are being invented in industry and making their way back into particle physics.

The ACAT workshop series is, therefore, welcoming the participation and sponsorship of the industry. Please contact us at with inquiries! Depending on the level it is possible to have a desk out in the common area with a roll-up, introduction at the dinner, and logo on the conference website.


  • Desk with seating in the common area on request.
  • Visibility during social events with possible brief technical presentations.
  • Company logo on the ACAT website with the link to the company homepage, poster.
  • Thank-you words, on the website, conference intro and/or closing talks.
  • Right to provide material and giveaways.
  • Typical contribution 5k USD.


  • Desk with seating in the common area on request.
  • Company logo on the ACAT website and poster.
  • Thank-you words on the ACAT website, conference intro and/or closing talks.
  • Right to provide giveaways.
  • Typical contribution 3k USD.


  • Company logo on the ACAT website.
  • Thank-you words in conference intro and/or closing talks.
  • Typical contributions 1k USD.


Donation funds should be transferred to

Bank Name: JP Morgan Chase
Address: 270 Park Avenue, 43rd Floor, New York, NY 10017
Phone Number: 718-242-0144
ABA Number (Domestic): 021000021
Swift Code (International): CHASUS33
For Credit to: Bank Account #837480714 - Stony Brook Foundation, Inc.

Reference (all information below should appear in the transfer):

  • [Donor organization name and contact person - Ex, XXX Institute, Your Name];

  • Fund Name and Number: IACS CORPORATE DONATIONS, number 242030;

  • SBF Contact: Ann DeGregorio Gardner ann.gardner [at]