22–27 Sept 2024
Saint-Malo, Brittany, France
Europe/Paris timezone

Encoding off-shell effects in top pair production in direct diffusion networks

Not scheduled
Palais des congrès, Le Grand Large (Saint-Malo, Brittany, France)

Palais des congrès, Le Grand Large

Saint-Malo, Brittany, France

Le Grand Large Palais des Congrès 1, quai Duguay-Trouin - B.P.109 35407 Saint-Malo Cedex
YSF talk


Mathias Kuschick


Promoting predictions for top quark production to include off-shell effects comes at an exceptionally high computational cost. On an example of $l^+\nu l^-\bar{nu} b \bar{b}$ process, dominated by top quark pair production and decay in the dilepton channel, we show how to reliably encode off-shell effects in a generative neural network based on direct diffusion. This network, constructed using POWHEG/bb4l and POWHEG/hvq samples, can be applied to new or existing POWHEG/hvq samples at almost no computational cost.


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