We are pleased to announce that the 17th International Workshop on Top Quark Physics (TOP2024) will be held in Saint-Malo, France, from 22nd to 27th September 2024.
Following the long tradition of the workshop series, the 2024 edition will be dedicated to an overview of the most recent experimental measurements at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and latest theoretical developments in top quark physics. Please visit the workshop page:
for information about the meeting.
The early registration deadline is June 30th. The final registration deadline is September 1st.
The main programme consists of plenary talks by theorists and experimentalists.
Young scientists are especially encouraged to participate, and there will be a block of short plenary talks allowing them to present their work. In addition to the contributions from early career experimentalists, there will also be a selected number of theoretical talks from early career theorists. Abstracts for these theory talks/posters can be submitted through indico until July 20th. We kindly ask senior scientists to inform their younger colleagues about this opportunity.
Looking forward to welcome you to this edition of the TOP conference series.