17th International Workshop on Top Quark Physics (TOP2024)

from Sunday 22 September 2024 (17:00) to Friday 27 September 2024 (14:00)
Saint-Malo, Brittany, France (Palais des congrès, Le Grand Large)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
22 Sept 2024
23 Sept 2024
24 Sept 2024
25 Sept 2024
26 Sept 2024
27 Sept 2024
Introduction (until 10:35) (Palais des congrès, Le Grand Large)
09:00 Welcome from the authorities of St Malo - Jean-Virgile Crance (1er Adjoint au Maire de Saint Malo)   (Palais des congrès, Le Grand Large)
09:10 Welcome from the French institute representative: IN3P3 - Jeremy Andrea (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))   (Palais des congrès, Le Grand Large)
09:20 Welcome from the French institute representative: CEA - Georges Vasseur   (Palais des congrès, Le Grand Large)
09:30 Introductory information - Frederic Deliot (Université Paris-Saclay (FR))   (Palais des congrès, Le Grand Large)
09:40 Keynote - Geraldine Servant (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))   (Palais des congrès, Le Grand Large)
10:35 --- Break ---
Cross sections (until 12:35) (Palais des congrès, Le Grand Large)
11:05 Run 3 object reconstructions in ATLAS - Geoffrey Gilles (Nikhef National institute for subatomic physics (NL))   (Palais des congrès, Le Grand Large)
11:35 Run 3 object reconstructions in CMS - Jieun Choi (Hanyang University (KR))   (Palais des congrès, Le Grand Large)
12:05 Machine learning for top - Matthias Komm (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))   (Palais des congrès, Le Grand Large)
top-Higgs interplay (until 10:30) (Palais des congrès, Le Grand Large)
09:00 tt+HF (bb/cc) measurements from ATLAS and CMS - Egor Antipov (Stony Brook University (US))   (Palais des congrès, Le Grand Large)
09:30 Higgs synergies with top in ATLAS and CMS - Lorenzo Varriale (Univ. of Valencia and CSIC (ES))   (Palais des congrès, Le Grand Large)
10:00 Five-flavour scheme predictions for ttbb at next-to-leading order accuracy - Tetiana Moskalets (Southern Methodist University (US))   (Palais des congrès, Le Grand Large)
10:30 --- Break and group photo ---
EFT (until 12:30) (Palais des congrès, Le Grand Large)
11:00 ATLAS EFT results in the top quark sector - Dongwon Kim (Stockholm University (SE))   (Palais des congrès, Le Grand Large)
11:30 CMS EFT results in the top quark sector - Niels Van Den Bossche (Ghent University (BE))   (Palais des congrès, Le Grand Large)
12:00 Indirect constraints on top quark operators from a global SMEFT analysis - Antonio Rodriguez Sanchez   (Palais des congrès, Le Grand Large)
FCNC and lepton flavor violation (until 10:30) (Palais des congrès, Le Grand Large)
09:00 Hadronic Top Quark Polarimetry - dorival Gonçalves (Oklahoma State University)   (Palais des congrès, Le Grand Large)
09:30 Comparisons of FCNC results from ATLAS and CMS - Jeremy Andrea (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))   (Palais des congrès, Le Grand Large)
10:00 Probes of flavor symmetry and violation with Top quarks in ATLAS and CMS - Miriam Watson (University of Birmingham (GB))   (Palais des congrès, Le Grand Large)
10:30 --- Break ---
Young Scientist Forum (until 12:00) (Palais des congrès, Le Grand Large)
11:00 YSF theory: Encoding off-shell effects in top pair production in direct diffusion networks - Mathias Kuschick   (Palais des congrès, Le Grand Large)
11:15 YSF CMS: Inclusive and differential ttW cross section measurement - David Marcus E Marckx (Ghent University (BE))   (Palais des congrès, Le Grand Large)
11:30 YSF ATLAS: Constraint on the Higgs Boson Width from Higgs Boson and Four-Top-Quark Productions - Shuo Han (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US))   (Palais des congrès, Le Grand Large)
11:45 YSF theory: Complete NLO corrections to off-shell ttZ production at the LHC - Daniele Lombardi (Universität Würzburg)   (Palais des congrès, Le Grand Large)
Theory mini workshop (until 10:15) (Palais des congrès, Le Grand Large)
09:00 Status of top-quark mass measurement - Marcel Vos (IFIC Valencia (ES))   (Palais des congrès, Le Grand Large)
09:45 Electroweak metastability and Higgs inflation - Isabella Masina (Universita e INFN, Ferrara (IT))   (Palais des congrès, Le Grand Large)
10:15 --- Break ---
Theory mini workshop (until 12:15) (Palais des congrès, Le Grand Large)
10:45 The collider landscape: which collider for establishing the SM instability ? - Roberto Franceschini (Rome 3 U.)   (Palais des congrès, Le Grand Large)
11:15 Higgs potential criticality beyond the Standard Model - Thomas Steingasser (MIT)   (Palais des congrès, Le Grand Large)
11:45 Vacuum Stability in the Standard Model and Beyond - Tom Steudtner   (Palais des congrès, Le Grand Large)
Young Scientist Forum (until 10:15) (Palais des congrès, Le Grand Large)
09:00 YSF ATLAS: Transformer neural networks in the measurement of Higgs boson production in association with a ttbar pair in the H-> bb decay channel - Chris Scheulen (Georg August Universitaet Goettingen (DE))   (Palais des congrès, Le Grand Large)
09:15 YSF CMS: Search for displaced top quark in the tracker of the CMS experiment at the LHC - Paul Vaucelle (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))   (Palais des congrès, Le Grand Large)
09:30 YSF theory: Two-loop QCD corrections to pp->ttj - Colomba Brancaccio   (Palais des congrès, Le Grand Large)
09:45 YSF CMS: Lepton Flavour Violation in the top quark sector at CMS - Jiwon Park (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))   (Palais des congrès, Le Grand Large)
10:00 YSF ATLAS: Same-sign top search - Aaron Van Der Graaf (Technische Universitaet Dortmund (DE))   (Palais des congrès, Le Grand Large)
10:15 --- Break ---
Summaries (until 12:15) (Palais des congrès, Le Grand Large)
10:45 Theory Summary - Prof. Michal Wiktor Czakon (Rheinisch Westfaelische Tech. Hoch. (DE))   (Palais des congrès, Le Grand Large)
11:30 Experimental Summary - Abideh Jafari (Isfahan University of Technology (IR))   (Palais des congrès, Le Grand Large)
19:00 Welcome drink   (Palais des congrès, Le Grand Large)
12:35 --- Lunch ---
Cross sections (until 16:00) (Palais des congrès, Le Grand Large)
14:00 Recent measurements of top cross sections at CMS - Javier Del Riego Badas (Universidad de Oviedo (ES))   (Palais des congrès, Le Grand Large)
14:30 Inclusive top cross sections in ATLAS - Charlie Chen (University of Victoria (CA))   (Palais des congrès, Le Grand Large)
15:00 Differential top cross section in ATLAS and CMS - Olaf Behnke (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))   (Palais des congrès, Le Grand Large)
15:30 Resonance-aware NLOPS matching for off-shell tt+tW production with semileptonic decays - Tomas Jezo (WWU ITP)   (Palais des congrès, Le Grand Large)
16:00 --- Break ---
Associated top production (until 18:00) (Palais des congrès, Le Grand Large)
16:30 Complete NLO corrections to top-quark pair production with isolated photons - Daniel Stremmer (RWTH Aachen University)   (Palais des congrès, Le Grand Large)
17:00 Photon production in top quark events at ATLAS and CMS - Beatriz Ribeiro Lopes (CERN)   (Palais des congrès, Le Grand Large)
17:30 Top quark production in association with vector bosons at ATLAS and CMS - Jan van der Linden (Ghent University (BE))   (Palais des congrès, Le Grand Large)
Poster session (until 21:30) (Palais des congrès, Le Grand Large)
19:00 Application of Machine Learning Top and W Jet Tagging to Hadronic Four-Top Final States - Petr Baron (Palacky University (CZ))   (Palais des congrès, Le Grand Large)
19:05 CP-sensitive simplified template cross-sections for ttH - Alberto Carnelli (Université Paris-Saclay (FR))   (Palais des congrès, Le Grand Large)
19:10 ALP-ine quests at the LHC: hunting axion-like particles via peaks and dips in top-antitop-quark production - Laurids Jeppe (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))   (Palais des congrès, Le Grand Large)
19:15 Measurement of t-channel production of single top quarks and top antiquarks in proton-proton collisions at 13 TeV using the full Run 2 dataset recorded with the ATLAS detector - Maren Stratmann (Bergische Universitaet Wuppertal (DE))   (Palais des congrès, Le Grand Large)
19:20 Measurements of inclusive and differential cross-sections of ttgamma production in pp collisions at 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector - Carmen Diez Pardos (Universitaet Siegen (DE)) Carmen Diez (Centro de Investigaciones Energetic as Medioambientales y Tecnol)   (Palais des congrès, Le Grand Large)
19:25 Search for flavour-changing neutral current couplings between the top quark and the Higgs boson in multilepton final states with the ATLAS detector - Shayma Wahdan (Bergische Universitaet Wuppertal (DE))   (Palais des congrès, Le Grand Large)
19:30 An improved top quark reconstruction with ML in CMS - Yao Yao (Purdue University (US))   (Palais des congrès, Le Grand Large)
19:35 First simultaneous measurement of single and pair production of top quarks in association with a Z boson in CMS - Konstantin Sharko (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))   (Palais des congrès, Le Grand Large)
19:40 Run 3 flavor-tagging performance and developments in CMS - David Kavtaradze (UGent)   (Palais des congrès, Le Grand Large)
12:30 --- Lunch ---
Searches with tops in decay (until 16:00) (Palais des congrès, Le Grand Large)
14:00 Four top final states with NLO accuracy in perturbative QCD: 4 and 3 lepton channels - Nikolaos Dimitrakopoulos (RWTH Aachen University)   (Palais des congrès, Le Grand Large)
14:30 Measurement and searches of four-top quark production with the ATLAS and CMS - Quake Qin (Institut de Fisica d'Altes Energies (IFAE))   (Palais des congrès, Le Grand Large)
15:00 Top-philic ALP phenomenology at the LHC: the elusive mass-window - Ken Mimasu   (Palais des congrès, Le Grand Large)
15:30 Searches for scalar particles in top quark topologies in ATLAS and CMS - Eleanor Jones (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))   (Palais des congrès, Le Grand Large)
16:00 --- Break ---
top and BSM search (until 18:30) (Palais des congrès, Le Grand Large)
16:30 Precise tests of the axion coupling to tops - Anh Vu Phan ((1) Radboud University, (2) Nikhef)   (Palais des congrès, Le Grand Large)
17:00 Searches for top associated DM production at the LHC - Dominic William Stafford (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))   (Palais des congrès, Le Grand Large)
17:30 Quantum detection of new physics in top-quark pair production at the LHC - Eleni Vryonidou (University of Manchester (GB))   (Palais des congrès, Le Grand Large)
18:00 Mapping the SMEFT at High-Energy Colliders: from LEP and the (HL-)LHC to the FCC-ee - Eugenia Celada   (Palais des congrès, Le Grand Large)
Q&A session (until 22:30) (Bar: l'Univers, 12 place Chateaubriand, Saint-Malo)
12:00 --- Lunch ---
13:00 --- Excursion ---
19:30 --- Conference dinner ---
12:15 --- Lunch ---
Spin and entanglement (until 16:00) (Palais des congrès, Le Grand Large)
14:00 The magic of entangled top quarks - Chris White (Queen Mary University of London)   (Palais des congrès, Le Grand Large)
14:30 The top doesn’t just spin, it also orbits - Juan Antonio Aguilar Saavedra (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (ES))   (Palais des congrès, Le Grand Large)
15:00 CMS results on top spin and entanglement - Giulia Negro (Purdue University (US))   (Palais des congrès, Le Grand Large)
15:30 ATLAS results on top spin and entanglement - Roman Lysak (Czech Academy of Sciences (CZ))   (Palais des congrès, Le Grand Large)
16:00 --- Break ---
Joker talks (until 18:30) (Palais des congrès, Le Grand Large)
16:30 CMS Joker talk 1   (Palais des congrès, Le Grand Large)
17:00 ATLAS Joker talk 1   (Palais des congrès, Le Grand Large)
17:30 ATLAS Joker talk 2   (Palais des congrès, Le Grand Large)
18:00 CMS Joker talk 2   (Palais des congrès, Le Grand Large)
18:20 Outreach talk at the mediathèque   (Mediatheque)
Q&A session (until 22:30) (Bar: l'Univers, 12 place Chateaubriand, Saint-Malo)
Last words (until 12:35) (Palais des congrès, Le Grand Large)
12:15 Top2025 announcement   (Palais des congrès, Le Grand Large)
12:25 Closing remarks   (Palais des congrès, Le Grand Large)