Proceedings will be published on SciPost. All speakers (including YSF and poster session presenters) are welcome to provide a write-up for the proceedings.
- Speakers should prepare their proceedings and submit them to arXiv by themselves.
- Submission to SciPost has to be done following the journal's guidelines.
- We remind that all contributions will be screened for plagiarism (including self-plagiarism). If any material is reused for which the authors hold copyright or obtain a license, proper attribution is necessary. Papers will mention "Copyright CERN, for the benefit of the Collaboration". See also CERN, ATLAS, CMS copyrights.
- Proceedings will be peer-reviewed according to Scipost standards (at least 1 referee and acceptance after a vote by the SciPost editorial college).
- Referal process handled by Jeremy Andrea (CMS), Benjamin Fuks (theory), Antonio Onofre (ATLAS), Malgorzata Worek (theory).
- Experimental speakers are kindly requested to follow the rules set by their collaborations.
The following page limits are recommended, but limits will not be enforced.
- Keynote address and summary talks: 8 pages
- Regular talks: 5 pages
- Posters and talks in the Young Scientist Forum: 4 pages
The deadline for the submission of the proceedings is 10 January 2025.
Instructions for authors:
- Prepare your proceedings with latex, a template can be found at: - Submit them to the arXiv e-print server (instructions here).
- When filling out the information form during the arXiv submission, it is important to mention the conference data in the comments field. Example:
Authors: H. Solo, C. Bacca,
Title: In a galaxy far far away...
Comments: Talk at the 17th International Workshop on Top Quark Physics (Top2024), 22-27 September 2024. - After the paper is accepted by the arXiv, send an email to the organisers (email) with the link to the public arXiv submission.
- Submit the manuscript to SciPost (instructions here).