22–27 Sept 2024
Saint-Malo, Brittany, France
Europe/Paris timezone


Proceedings will be published on SciPost. All speakers (including YSF and poster session presenters) are welcome to provide a write-up for the proceedings.

  • Speakers should prepare their proceedings and submit them to arXiv by themselves. 
  • Submission to SciPost has to be done following the journal's guidelines.
  • We remind that all contributions will be screened for plagiarism (including self-plagiarism). If any material is reused for which the authors hold copyright or obtain a license, proper attribution is necessary. Papers will mention "Copyright CERN, for the benefit of the Collaboration". See also CERN, ATLAS, CMS copyrights.
  • Proceedings will be peer-reviewed according to Scipost standards (at least 1 referee and acceptance after a vote by the SciPost editorial college).
  • Referal process handled by Jeremy Andrea (CMS), Benjamin Fuks (theory), Antonio Onofre (ATLAS), Malgorzata Worek (theory).
  • Experimental speakers are kindly requested to follow the rules set by their collaborations.


The following page limits are recommended, but limits will not be enforced.

  • Keynote address and summary talks: 8 pages
  • Regular talks: 5 pages
  • Posters and talks in the Young Scientist Forum: 4 pages


The  deadline for the submission of the proceedings is 10 January 2025.

Instructions for authors:

  1. Prepare your proceedings with latex, a template can be found at:

  2. Submit them to the arXiv e-print server (instructions here).  
  3. When filling out the information form during the arXiv submission, it is important to mention the conference data in the comments field. Example: 
    Authors: H. Solo, C. Bacca,
    Title: In a galaxy far far away...
    Comments: Talk at the 17th International Workshop on Top Quark Physics (Top2024), 22-27 September 2024.
  4. After the paper is accepted by the arXiv, send an email to the organisers (email) with the link to the public arXiv submission. 
  5. Submit the manuscript to SciPost (instructions here).