Scientific programme
TOP2024 conference begins with a keynote talk and ends with experimental and theoretical summaries. The main programme consists of plenary talks by theorists and experimentalists.
Young scientists are especially encouraged to participate, and there will be a block of short plenary talks allowing them to present their experimental or theoretical work.
Young Scientist Forum
The Young Scientist Forum (YSF) provides an opportunity for short talks (7+3 minutes) by graduate students or early-career postdocs.
Poster session
Posters presenters are encouraged to discuss their work on a wide range of top-quark related topics this year (theory, phenomenology, machine learning, detector instrumentation).
Presenters who intend to show content of ATLAS/CMS/LHCb/ALICE or other experimental collaboration need to go through their usual internal procedure.
Social programme
The TOP2024 conference includes several additional/social events:
- Welcome reception on the evening of the 1st day of the conference (22.09)
- Excursion (half-day) at the middle of the week (25.09) and
- Conference Banquet the same evening (25.09).