Top2024 Registration fees
- Early Registration (until June 30): 600 EUR per person
- Regular Registration (from July 1): 800 EUR per person
- Student Registration : 450 EUR per person
- Accompanying person : 350 EUR per person
- Deadline for Registration : September 1st
It covers :
- lunches,
- coffee breaks
- welcome cocktail
- finger food during the poster session
- conference dinner
- excursion
Note that accomodation is not provided. As pointed out in the accomodation section, Saint Malo being a highly touristic place, we strongly advise you to book as early as possible your accomodation.
Please register using the indico link in the left tab (already relevant to modify an existing registration).
No payments will be possible at the conference arrival on site.
Note that no refund will be possible.
For French labs members please provide us with an order form for payment ("bon de commande", individual or if possibe for all registrants of your lab). The organisers will validate your pregistration.
Instructions for CERN Indico Account Creation
To create a CERN Indico account, click on the link "Create/Check your account" on the left in the CERN Authentication page, read and follow the instructions about creating a "CERN External Account" and then "Register a new account". Then you should come back to this conference page and log in with your new account.