Agenda for the 76th Meeting of the INTC

from Wednesday 22 May 2024 (09:00) to Thursday 23 May 2024 (12:45)
CERN (61/1-009)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
22 May 2024
OPEN Session (until 15:51) (61/1-009 - Room C)
09:45 Introduction - Marek Pfutzner (Chairperson, INTC)   (61/1-009 - Room C)
09:50 ISOLDE Physics Report - Hanne Heylen (ISOLDE Physics Coordinator)   (61/1-009 - Room C)
10:10 n_TOF Physics Report - Paolo Maria Milazzo   (61/1-009 - Room C)
10:30 Measurement of $^{92,97,98,100}$Mo(n,$\gamma$) relevant to Astrophysics and Nuclear Technology - Riccardo Mucciola (Universita e INFN, Bari (IT))   (61/1-009 - Room C)
10:50 Collinear Laser Spectroscopy of $^{223-226, 228}$Ra$^{+}$ - Phillip Imgram (KU Leuven (BE))   (61/1-009 - Room C)
11:10 --- Break ---
11:30 Measurement of the neutron-induced fission cross section of $^{236}$U at n_TOF - Zinovia Eleme (University of Ioannina (GR)) Andrea Tsinganis (Joint Research Center (JRC) (BE))   (61/1-009 - Room C)
11:50 Employing ROC to explore astrophysics milestones: nuclear structure of the $N=Z$ nucleus $ ^{76}$Sr - Liss Vazquez Rodriguez (Max Planck Society (DE))   (61/1-009 - Room C)
12:10 Study of the $N=28$ shell closure in the argon isotopes - Jessica Warbinek (CERN)   (61/1-009 - Room C)
12:30 Local study of Lithium Niobate domain walls - Juliana Schell (Institut Fur Materialwissenschaft Universität Duisburg-Essen (DE))   (61/1-009 - Room C)
12:50 --- Lunch ---
14:30 Implantation of $^{226}$Ra for the measurement of its absolute nuclear charge radius - Andreas Knecht   (61/1-009 - Room C)
14:50 Measurement of the neutron-induced fission cross section of 239Pu at n_TOF - Laurent Audouin (Unknown) Alice Manna (Universita e INFN, Bologna (IT))   (61/1-009 - Room C)
15:10 Study of RaF− anions at CRIS - Ronald Fernando Garcia Ruiz   (61/1-009 - Room C)
15:30 Coulomb Excitation and RDDS measurement of a Triaxial Superdeformed -band” in 162Yb - Robert Arthur Bark (iThemba LABS, National Research Foundation (ZA))   (61/1-009 - Room C)
15:50 End Open Session   (61/1-009 - Room C)