9–12 Sept 2024
Imperial College London
Europe/London timezone

Accounting for Selection Effects in Supernova Cosmology with Simulation-Based Inference and Hierarchical Bayesian Modelling

10 Sept 2024, 18:13
Lecture Theatre 2, Blackett Laboratory (Imperial College London)

Lecture Theatre 2, Blackett Laboratory

Imperial College London

Poster Social


Benjamin Boyd (University of Cambridge)


Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) are thermonuclear exploding stars that can be used to put constraints on the nature of our universe. One challenge with population analyses of SNe Ia is Malmquist bias, where we preferentially observe the brighter SNe due to limitations of our telescopes. If untreated, this bias can propagate through to our posteriors on cosmological parameters. In this work, we develop a novel technique of using a normalising flow to learn the non-analytical likelihood of observing a SN Ia for a given survey from simulations, that is independent of any cosmological model. The learnt likelihood is then used in a hierarchical Bayesian model with Hamiltonian Monte Carlo sampling to put constraints on different sets of cosmological parameters conditioned on the observed data. The technique is verified on toy model simulations finding excellent agreement with analytically-derived posteriors to within 1σ. We conclude by discussing plans to show the generalisation of our flexible method to real survey selection effects where analytical solutions are intractable.

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