TE FCC-ee workshop
31/3-004 - IT Amphitheatre (CERN)
Jose Miguel Jimenez
Ralf Trant
IntroductionSpeakers: Jose Miguel Jimenez (CERN), Ralf Trant (CERN)
FCC Accelerator Design WPs, timeline FCC MidTerm report, review recommendations
Accelerator Design WPs, timeline FCC MidTerm report, review recommendations
Speaker: Michael Benedikt (CERN) -
CRGSpeakers: Dimitri Delikaris (CERN), Boyan-Kaloyanov Naydenov Popov (CERN), Dr Patricia Tavares Coutinho Borges De Sousa (CERN), Dr Torsten Koettig (CERN)
a) FCC-ee cryogenics layout & implementation (incl. compatibility with FCC-hh)Speaker: Boyan-Kaloyanov Naydenov Popov (CERN)
b) FCC-ee R&D in Cryolab on SRFSpeaker: Dr Torsten Koettig (CERN)
c) FCC-hh R&D and cooling schemes for sc magnetsSpeaker: Dr Patricia Tavares Coutinho Borges De Sousa (CERN)
d) CRG summary, Dimitri DelikarisSpeaker: Dimitri Delikaris (CERN)
e) Discussion
Coffee break
MPESpeakers: Jan Uythoven (CERN), Arjan Verweij (CERN), Jack Heron (CERN)
a) Beam failure modes and machine protection concepts - required studies and plans for the FCCee booster and main ringSpeaker: Jan Uythoven (CERN)
b) The FCC-ee availability challengeSpeaker: Jack Heron (CERN)
c) Circuit protection for FCC - recap of FCChh circuit protection & conditions for FCCee circuit protectionSpeaker: Arjan Verweij (CERN)
d) MPE summarySpeaker: Jan Uythoven (CERN)
e) Discussion
Lunch break Brasserie R2 for all participants
MSCSpeakers: Attilio Milanese (CERN), Daniel Schoerling (CERN), Dr Ezio Todesco (CERN), Luke Von Freeden (CERN)
a) FCC-ee nc collider magnetsSpeaker: Daniel Schoerling (CERN)
b) FCC-ee nc booster magnetsSpeaker: Luke Von Freeden (CERN)
c) Assumptions for FCC-hh magnets outer dimensions and cooling needsSpeaker: Dr Ezio Todesco (CERN)
d) MSC summarySpeaker: Attilio Milanese (CERN)
e) Discussion
Coffee break
VSCSpeakers: Paolo Chiggiato (CERN), Cedric Garion (CERN), Guillaume Jonathan Rosaz (CERN), Gregory Pigny (CERN)
a) FCC-ee arc vacuum, impedance & shieldingSpeaker: Cedric Garion (CERN)
b) Synchrotron radiation in FCC-ee: simulation, absorption, and related issuesSpeaker: Roberto Kersevan (CERN)
c) FCC-ee RF coatingSpeaker: Guillaume Jonathan Rosaz (CERN)
d) FCC-ee Radiation to Electronics & Signal TransmissionSpeaker: Gregory Pigny (CERN)
e) VSC SummarySpeaker: Paolo Chiggiato (CERN)
f) Discussion
Closing remarksSpeaker: Jose Miguel Jimenez (CERN)