Neutrino Factory Near Detector Workshop

from Saturday 30 July 2011 (08:00) to Sunday 31 July 2011 (18:00)
CERN (1/1-025)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
30 Jul 2011
31 Jul 2011
10:00 Introduction and goals of the Workshop - Roumen Tsenov (Faculty of Physics-University of Sofia)   (1/1-025)
10:20 Physics requirements for the Near detector - Roumen Tsenov (University of Sofia)   (1/1-025)
11:00 --- Coffee break ---
11:30 Extrapolation of neutrino flux measured in Near detector to the Far detector - Paul Soler (University of Glasgow) Ryan Bayes (University of Glasgow)   (1/1-025)
10:00 Neutrino flux monitoring by CC and NC scattering off electrons in a high resolution Straw Tube tracker (HiResMν) - Sanjib Mishra   (1/1-025)
11:15 --- Coffee break ---
11:45 Neutrino flux from the muon decay ring – features and beam related background at the Near Detector. ND optimal positioning - Yordan Karadzhov (Section de Physique-Universite de Geneve)   (1/1-025)
12:15 --- Lunch ---
13:45 Neutrino cross section measurements with the Near detector (νN quasielastic, resonance, coherent, deep inelastic scattering): available data and confrontation with theoretical predictions - Jorge Morfin (Fermilab)   (1/1-025)
14:30 Search for non-standard interactions with the Near detector - Dr Enrique Fernandez Martinez (CERN)   (1/1-025)
15:15 --- Coffee break ---
15:45 How to extract Neutrino Factory flux from IMD and neutrino elastic scattering? - Paul Soler Jermyn (University of Glasgow)   (1/1-025)
16:30 Statistical and systematic uncertainties of measurements with the Near detector - Alain Blondel (Dept. de Phys. Nucl. et Corpuscul. (DPNC)-Section de Physique-U)   (1/1-025)
12:25 Some simulations of muon flux in the NF decay ring and consequences for the Near detector - Christopher Tunnell   (1/1-025)
12:55 Charm production in neutrino interactions as background source to oscillation signal and as a physics measurement on its own - Pasquale Migliozzi (Sezione di Napoli (INFN)-Universita e INFN)   (1/1-025)
13:35 --- Lunch ---
14:15 Charm production in MIND-type Far detector as background to the oscillation signal - Ryan Bayes (University of Glasgow)   (1/1-025)
15:00 Neutrino flux monitoring by CC and NC scattering off electrons in a high resolution scintillating fibres tracker (design options and results from simulations) - Rosen Matev (Universsity of Sofia)   (1/1-025)
15:45 --- Coffee break ---
16:15 Photon transport simulations in long scintillating bars and fibres and some measurements - Benton Pahlka (Fermilab)   (1/1-025)
16:55 Requirements and design options for a vertex detector (Si tracker) - Paul Soler (University of Glasgow)   (1/1-025)
17:25 Near detector work breakdown structure (WBS) and costing - Paul Soler (University of Glasgow)   (1/1-025)