Day of Femtoscopy (A femtoszkópia napja)

Rektori Tanácsterem

Rektori Tanácsterem

MATE Károly Rübert Campus 3200 Gyöngyös, Mátrai út 36 Hungary
Máté Csanád (Eötvös University, Budapest), Tamas Novak (MATE KRC, Gyöngyös), Tamás Csörgő (Wigner RCP, Budapest and SzIE KRC, Gyöngyös)

10th Day of Femtoscopy: dedicated to open issues in Femtoscopy and its applications. A special outreach event to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the foundation of CERN, the European Organization of Nuclear Research.

A Mixed/Hybrid Format Meeting:  Due to good earlier experiences with such a format

Hosted by: MATE Institute of Technology, Gyöngyös Károly Róbert Campus, Mátrai út 36, H-3200 Gyöngyös, Hungary.

Date: October 30-31, Tuesday - Wednesday, 2024

Local Organizing Committee:

  • T. Csörgő (Wigner RCP and SzIE KRC, chair),  
  • M. Csanád (Eötvös University, co-organizer)  
  • G. Kasza (MATE KRC and Wigner RCP)
  • T. Novák (MATE KRC, co-organizer)
  • I. Szanyi (Wigner RCP, MATE KRC and Eötvös University)


for the Femtoscopy Laboratory, MATE Institute of Technology, Károly Róbert Campus (MATE KRC).

Short URL:

Registration fee: Waived for all, to save time of event administration.

Coffee breaks and lunch: We encourage online participants to order some pizza for lunch, prepare their coffee in the coffee breaks, and spend online time together with the other participants during these breaks for informal discussions. The Károly Róbert Cafeteria and Restaurants are both open and will serve the regular participants. We will organize dinner for the regular participants in the Pizzeria Il Caminetto in Gyöngyös, Kossuth street. 

DoF'24 is partially supported by: NKFIH K147557 grant (Hungary), by the Circles of Knowledge Club and by the MATE KKP (Programme for Research Excellence of MATE)..

Registration to the 10th Day of Femtoscopy
  • András Krisztián
  • András Ster
  • Brigitta Unger-Plasek
  • Daniel Kincses
  • Emese Árpási
  • Flora Vitalis
  • Gábor Kasza
  • Istvan Szanyi
  • Judit Tormási
  • Laszlo Jenkovszky
  • Lehel Buna
  • László Kovács
  • Mate Csanad
  • Márton Imre Nagy
  • Mátyás Molnár
  • Máté Szilágyi
  • Ricardo Pardo-Aroca
  • Sandor Lokos
  • Sneha Bhosale
  • Tamas Csorgo
  • Tamas Novak
  • Zoltán Lakner
  • Ágnes Csordás
  • +1
    • 9:00 AM 10:30 AM
      Opening: Levy Bose-Einstein correlations at RHIC Rektori Tanácsterem

      Rektori Tanácsterem

      MATE Károly Rübert Campus 3200 Gyöngyös, Mátrai út 36 Hungary

      English language section

      Convener: Tamas Csorgo (MATE Institute of Technology Karoly Robert Campus (HU))
      • 9:00 AM
        Indirect observation of UA(1) symmetry restoration in sqrt(s(NN))=200 GeV Au+Au collisions by the PHENIX experiment at RHIC 30m
        Speaker: Prof. Tamás Csörgő (MATE IoT KRC and HUN-REN Wigner RCP, Budapest and Gyöngyös, HU)
      • 9:30 AM
        Levy femtoscopy - recent results from phenomenology and experiments 30m
        Speaker: Mate Csanad (Eotvos University, Budapest)
      • 10:00 AM
        Centrality dependence of Lévy-stable two-pion Bose-Einstein correlations in sqrt(sNN)=200 GeV Au+Au collisions (25+5) 30m
        Speaker: Sandor Lokos (Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences and MATE IoT KRC (PL and HU))
    • 10:30 AM 11:00 AM
      (Online) Coffee Break 30m Chat (Online)



      Please try to bring your coffee to your computer and stay connected for informal discussions during this online coffee break.

    • 11:00 AM 12:30 PM
      Diffraction at TeV energies: Spectra and correlations in heavy ion collisions Rektori Tanácsterem

      Rektori Tanácsterem

      MATE Károly Rübert Campus 3200 Gyöngyös, Mátrai út 36 Hungary
      • 11:00 AM
        Describing the thermal radiation by a two-component hydrodynamic model (25+5’) 30m
        Speaker: Gábor Kasza
      • 11:30 AM
        Recent results from NA61 on Levy Bose-Einstein correlations 30m

        Presented by M. Csanád for B. Pórfy and the NA61 Collaboration, public after the WPCF2024 conference talk of B. Pórfy

        Speakers: Barnabas Porfy (HUN-REN Wigner Research Centre for Physics (HU)), Mate Csanad (Eotvos University, Budapest)
      • 12:00 PM
        3D pion HBT correlations and their Lévy parameters in 200 GeV Au+Au collisions at STAR 30m

        Presented by M. Csanád for S. Bhosale, public after the WPCF2024 presentaion

        Speaker: Dr Sneha Bhosale (Eötvös University)
    • 12:30 PM 2:00 PM
      (Online) Lunch Break 1h 30m Chat (Online)



      ONLINE Lunch break - if possible, please bring your pizza or lunchbox to your computer and stay connected for informal discussions during the lunch break.

    • 2:00 PM 3:30 PM
      Levy Femtoscopy: Bose-Einstein Correlations in PHENIX, CMS and NA61: Simulations of Levy Bose-Einstein correlations Rektori Tanácsterem

      Rektori Tanácsterem

      MATE Károly Rübert Campus 3200 Gyöngyös, Mátrai út 36 Hungary
      • 2:00 PM
        Lévy walk of pions in heavy-ion collisions (25+5') 30m
        Speaker: Dr Dániel Kincses (Eötvös Loránd University Budapest)
      • 2:30 PM
        Three-dimensional source sizes and shapes of hadron emission in EPOS (25+5') 30m
        Speaker: Ms Emese Árpási (Eötvös University)
      • 3:00 PM
        Event-by-event Investigation of the Two-Kaon Source Function at 200 GeV with EPOS 30m
        Speaker: László Kovács (ELTE)
    • 3:30 PM 4:00 PM
      (Online) Coffee Break 2 30m Chat (Online)



      Please bring your coffee to your computer and stay connected for informal discussions during this online coffee break

    • 4:00 PM 5:50 PM
      Discusssion section:: 70 éves a CERN, az Európai Részecske és Magfizikai Kutató Intézet - ünnepi szekció, diákoknak is Rektori Tanácsterem

      Rektori Tanácsterem

      MATE Károly Rübert Campus 3200 Gyöngyös, Mátrai út 36 Hungary
      • 4:00 PM
        CERN'70 (35+5') 40m

        Nemzetközi és hazai vonatkozásokkal

        Speaker: Tamas Csorgo (MATE Institute of Technology Karoly Robert Campus (HU))
      • 4:40 PM
        Egy részecskefizikai szimmetria helyreállásának megfigyelése a RHIC gyorsító Au+Au ütközéseiben (15+5') 20m
        Speaker: Gábor Kasza
      • 5:00 PM
        Diffraktív proton-proton ütközések: a CERN LHC CMS és TOTEM kísérleteinek új eredményei (15+5') 20m
        Speaker: Istvan Szanyi (MATE KRC, University of Kansas, Wigner RCP)
      • 5:20 PM
        Odderon szignál a CERN LHC 7 és 8 TeV-es proton-proton ütközléseiben (15+5’) 20m
        Speaker: Tamas Novak
    • 6:00 PM 7:30 PM
      (Online) Dinner of the Day of Femtoscopy 1h 30m

      Location: Il Caminetto Pizzeria, Gyöngyös, Kossuth u.

    • 9:00 AM 10:35 AM
      Odderon physics and Coulomb corrections Rektori Tanácsterem

      Rektori Tanácsterem

      MATE Károly Rübert Campus 3200 Gyöngyös, Mátrai út 36 Hungary
      • 9:00 AM
        New Odderon results, including ATLAS and TOTEM data (25+5’) 30m
        Speaker: Tamas Csorgo (MATE Institute of Technology Karoly Robert Campus (HU))
      • 9:30 AM
        A novel method for calculating Bose-Einstein correlation functions with Coulomb final-state interaction (25+5') 20m
        Speaker: Marton Nagy (Eotvos Lorand University (HU))
      • 9:50 AM
        Lévy alpha-stable generalization of the Bialas-Bzdak model (25+5’) 20m
        Speaker: Istvan Szanyi (MATE KRC, University of Kansas, Wigner RCP)
      • 10:10 AM
        Dip structures in proton diffractive dissociation (25+5') 20m

        Invited presentation, based on prof. Jenkovszky's talk at Diffraction and Low-x 2024, near Palermo, Italy (duly acknowledging last minuite scheduling issues)

        Speakers: Laszlo Jenkovszky (National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine), Prof. Laszlo Jenkovszky (Bogolubov ITP, Kiev)
    • 10:35 AM 11:05 AM
      (Online) coffee break 30m Rektori Tanácsterem

      Rektori Tanácsterem

      MATE Károly Rübert Campus 3200 Gyöngyös, Mátrai út 36 Hungary
    • 11:05 AM 1:35 PM
      Discussion and brainstorming on new projects and new applications of femtoscopic methods Rektori Tanácsterem

      Rektori Tanácsterem

      MATE Károly Rübert Campus 3200 Gyöngyös, Mátrai út 36 Hungary
      • 11:05 AM
        Welcome by the vice-director of MATE Károly Róbert Campus 5m

        Welcome by Professor Zoltán Zörög, vice-director of MATE Károly Róbert Campus

        Speaker: Prof. Zoltán Zörög (MATE)
      • 11:10 AM
        Factors of competitiveness-time series and panel data analysis in econometrics (25+5') 30m
        Speaker: Prof. Zoltán Lakner
      • 11:40 AM
        From theory to practice: how to use AI in scientific literature processing (25+5') 30m
        Speaker: Mr Ricardo Pardo (Pro-Sharp Ltd)
      • 12:10 PM
        The application of near infrared spectroscopy and hyperspectral imaging for the quality assessment of fruits (20+10') 30m
        Speaker: Ms Flóra Vitális (MATE)
      • 12:40 PM
        Discussion on possible new projects 20m
        Speakers: Tamas Csorgo (MATE Institute of Technology Karoly Robert Campus (HU)), Zoltán Lakner