31 March 2025 to 4 April 2025
Hotel De La Paix
Europe/Zurich timezone

Refurbishing the Meyrin Data Centre: Storage Juggling and Operations

Not scheduled
Hotel De La Paix

Hotel De La Paix

Via Giuseppe Cattori 18 6900 Lugano Switzerland
Storage & data management Storage & data management


Octavian-Mihai Matei


The 50-year-old Meyrin Data Centre (MDC), still remains indispensable due to its strategic geographical location and unique electrical power resilience even if CERN IT recently commissioned the Prévessin Data Centre (PDC), doubling the organization’s hosting capacity in terms of electricity and cooling. The Meyrin Data Centre (Building 513) retains an essential role for the CERN Tier-0 Run 4 commitments, notably as primary hosting location for the tape archive and the disk storage. The inevitable investments to the infrastructure (UPS and Cooling) are now triggering the refurbishment of the two main rooms where all the storage equipment is hosted. This presentation will delve into the architectural advancements and operational strategies implemented for and during the Meyrin data centre refurbishment. We will explore how these developments will impact our storage and how the storage operations team will ensure EOS’s performance, scalability, and reliability in the coming years.

Desired slot length 15
Speaker release Yes


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