If you wish to stay at the hotel where HEPiX Spring 2025 will be hosted, you can request a room from our block reservation. Please contact the hotel (booking@delapaix.ch) to make your booking and remember to mention that you are a participant in the HEPiX25_Lugano.
Please note: Check if the standard price is lower than using the booking code, as the booking code is only a warranty to avoid higher prices.
Room block code: “HEPiX25_Lugano”
Hotel De La Paix Lugano (event hotel)
Special rates arriving 31.03.2025 and checkout: 04.04.2025
Single room | single-use | CHF 159 |
Double room | single-use |
CHF 169 |
Double room | double-use |
CHF 204 |
Other Hotel Options:
Below are other accommodation options within walking distance of the venue. I also recommend checking prices on Booking.com.