31 March 2025 to 4 April 2025
Hotel De La Paix
Europe/Zurich timezone

Workshop Chairs and Organizers

Workshop chair

Dino Conciatore / CSCS

HEPiX co-chairs

Josep Flix Molina / PIC
Tomoaki Nakamura / KEK
Ofer Rind / BNL

Local organisers

Dino Conciatore / CSCS
Tatjana Ruefli / CSCS

Track conveners

Track Conveners
Site reports

Andreas Petzold / KIT
Sébastien Gadrat / CC-IN2P3

Networking and security

David Kelsey / STFC-RAL
Shawn McKee / U Michigan

Storage & data management

Andrew Pickford / Nikhef
Elvin Sindrilaru / CERN
Elia Oggian / CSCS

Cloud Technologies, Virtualization & Orchestration, Operating Systems

Michel Jouvin / IJCLab
Dino Conciatore / CSCS

Computing and batch services

Michele Michelotto / INFN Padua
Max Fischer / KIT
Matthias Schnepf / KIT

Environmental sustainability, business continuity, and Facility improvement

Peter Gronbech / U Oxford

Software and Services for Operation

Jingyan Shi / IHEP
Dennis van Dok / Nikhef
Mary Hester / Nikhef

Show us your toolbox

Mattias Wadenstein / U Umeå
Peter van der Reest / DESY


Josep Flix / PIC-CIEMAT
Ofer Rind / BNL

Conveners of the topical sessions

Session Conveners

Mid-long term evolution of facilities

(jointly organized with WLCG OTF)

Alessandro Di Girolamo (CERN)
James Letts (UCSD)
Helge Meinhard (CERN)