31 March 2025 to 4 April 2025
Hotel De La Paix
Europe/Zurich timezone

CERN Prevessin Datacentre network - Overview and feedback after one year in production.

Not scheduled
Hotel De La Paix

Hotel De La Paix

Via Giuseppe Cattori 18 6900 Lugano Switzerland
Networking & Security Network & Security


Vincent Ducret (CERN)


This presentation will explain the network design implemented in the CERN Prévessin Datacentre (built in 2022/2023, in production since February 2024). We will show how, starting from an empty building, the current network best practices could be adopted (and partly adapted to match the specific requirements in term of interconnection with the rest of CERN network). We will also provide feedback about some issues encountered during the planning and deployment, give an overview of the network performances after one full year in production, and share with you our current ideas (and questions) regarding CERN Datacentre(s) network possible evolution in the coming years.

Desired slot length 20 minutes
Speaker release Yes


Presentation materials

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