31 March 2025 to 4 April 2025
Hotel De La Paix
Europe/Zurich timezone

Trends of Energy Efficiency for computing and data centre

Not scheduled
Hotel De La Paix

Hotel De La Paix

Via Giuseppe Cattori 18 6900 Lugano Switzerland
Environmental sustainability, business continuity, and Facility improvement Environmental sustainability, business continuity, and Facility improvement


Eric Yen (Academia Sinica (TW))


The objective of this talk is to share the tentative plan of energy efficiency status review by the TechWatch WG. Progress of the primary tasks such as reviewing and understanding of the trends of industry, market and technology, efforts of WLCG and sites, as well as the strategy from measurement/ data collection/ analysis/ modeling/ to estimation will be shared. Through this report, the TechWatch WG would also look forward to advices, case studies, and volunteers for the future work.

Desired slot length 20
Speaker release Yes


Eric Yen (Academia Sinica (TW))

Presentation materials

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