31 March 2025 to 4 April 2025
Hotel De La Paix
Europe/Zurich timezone

Kubernetes and Cloud Native at the SKA Regional Centres

Not scheduled
Hotel De La Paix

Hotel De La Paix

Via Giuseppe Cattori 18 6900 Lugano Switzerland
Cloud Technologies, Virtualization & Orchestration, Operating Systems Cloud Technologies, Virtualization & Orchestration, Operating Systems


Rohini Joshi


The SKA Observatory is expected to be producing up to 600 petabytes of scientific data per year, which would set a new record in data generation within the field of observational astronomy. The SRCNet infrastructure is meant for handling these large volumes of astronomy data, which requires a global network of distributed regional centres for the data- and compute-intensive astronomy use cases. On the Swiss SRCNode, we aim to use Kubernetes as a service management plane which interacts with external storage and compute services as part of SRCNet to build a science analysis platform.

Desired slot length 15-20 min
Speaker release Yes


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