LHC Beam Operation workshop - Evian 2011

Royal Hotel

Royal Hotel



The LHC Beam Operation workshop will be held on 12, 13 and 14 December 2011 in the Royal Hotel in EVIAN (74), France.

Attendance is by invitation only.


The principle aims of the workshop are to review 2011 LHC beam commissioning and beam operations experience, and to look forward to the operation of the LHC in 2012.

Issues addressed will cover: operation from injection to stable beams and possible improvements; analysis of availability and premature dump; problems encountered and possible improvements; and the performance of the machine protection system and other accelerator systems.

The operations plan for 2012 will be presented and discussions will address the strategies for luminosity delivery and machine development priorities.


Chairman Mike LAMONT
Scientific Secretary Malika MEDDAHI
Editors of the Proceedings Brennan GODDARD, Sylvia DUBOURG
Informatics & infrastructure support Pierre CHARRUE
Workshop Secretary  Sylvia DUBOURG