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18–21 Sept 2013
Yerevan, Armenia
Europe/Moscow timezone

Magnetosonic waves in the crust of a neutron star

Not scheduled
Yerevan, Armenia

Yerevan, Armenia

Guesthouse of Yerevan State University, Mashtots ave. 52


Prof. David Sedrakian (Yerevan State University)


Based on the MHD equations, it is shown that the energy release on the inner surface of the neutron star’s crust leads to the generation of magnetosonic wave beams that propagate to the surface of the star. It is shown that for frequencies 10^7 Hz≤omega≤10^11 Hz and for the conditions of matter in the crust of a neutron star, these equations are linearized, and solutions are found. In the crust standing wave beam with a constant radius is formed, the outer base of which, situated on the surface of the star, becomes a source of radio waves. In this source electric currents are induced and the source becomes an antenna that emits radio waves in the circumstellar space. It is shown that with increasing frequency the radio emission intensity decreases, and therefore the spectrum of the pulsars is limited (omega≤10^11 Hz).

Primary author

Prof. David Sedrakian (Yerevan State University)

Presentation materials