Thomas Zwinger
(CSC - Scientific Computing Ltd.)
12/02/2008, 16:00
Scientific Results Obtained Using Grid Technology
In contrary to scaled equations, Elmer applies Full Stokes (FS) simulations,
where horizontal scales of the mesh are of similar size than vertical, leading
to a scale-up of the problem size by a factor 100. Models earlier run on a
single workstation consequently occupy 100 and more processors if FS is applied,
demanding parallel computations on clusters or Grid environments. The main...
Silvio Pardi
(Dipartimento di Scienze Fisiche - Universitร degli Studi di Napoli Federico II - Italia)
12/02/2008, 16:00
Application Porting and Deployment
The network reliability appear to be a crucial factor to guarantee the distributed services availability and the proper system functioning of a Grid infrastructure.
The network performances can affect dramatically the job computation time in those applications that processing bulk of dataset and is obviously crucial during data replication activities.
Currently in the main Grid deployments,...
Fotis Psomopoulos
(Aristotle University of Thessaloniki)
12/02/2008, 16:00
Scientific Results Obtained Using Grid Technology
Gene ontology can be thought of as a database of expert-based terms. The application presented utilizes the motifs that exist in already annotated protein sequences in order to model the corresponding GO terms. The input data set is created in a semi-automatic way, using the unique (UNIPROT) code of each protein and the InterProScan tool so that all available sequence databases (such as...
Esteban Freire Garcia
12/02/2008, 16:00
Application Porting and Deployment
Currently a well-defined set of procedures is followed in PPS, beginning with the pre-deployment activity and finishing with the approval of a new middleware release that can go into PROD. The PPS Coordination Team takes care of supervising all these steps, mainly trying to spot possible bugs in the middleware before it goes into PROD.
Unfortunately, VO contribution in this part of the...
Christos Lampoudis
(Aristotle University of Thessaloniki - Department of Physics), Prof.
Dimitrios Sampsonidis
(Aristotle University of Thessaloniki - Department of Physics)
12/02/2008, 16:00
Existing or Prospective Grid Services
AIDA specifically addresses the needs of the ATLAS high energy physics experiment, performing large scale data processing on globally distributed resources. AIDA is an easy-to-use strong tool implemented in java. User faces a single Graphical User Interface, instead of having a set of different applications. In such a way, the application offers the opportunity to avoid the complexity of...
Pier Giovanni Pelfer
(Dept. of Physics, University of Florence / INFN)
12/02/2008, 16:00
Existing or Prospective Grid Services
A primary goal of ArchaeoGRID as simulation engine is the development of simulation of integrated human-in-natural-systems models, which are treated as complex hypotheses, tested against the archaeological record and used for reconstructing the ancient societies history integrated with the Earth history.
In our study cases archaeological and non archaeological data are multivariate geospatial...
Jerome Berthier
(IMCCE - Observatoire de Paris)
12/02/2008, 16:00
Application Porting and Deployment
Numerical simulations, data analysis, as well as design study for new instruments and telescops, often require important computing time. If is not uncommon that the analysis of a single observation requires to run a huge number of times the same simulation code to explore the parameters space. On the other hand, the same reduction pipeline has to be used several times for data reduction of a...
Harald Gjermundrod
(University of Cyprus)
12/02/2008, 16:00
Existing or Prospective Grid Services
The Batch Service editor within the g-Eclipse framework allows the administrator of a Grid site to manage her site(s). The editor presents the administrator with a color-coded representation of the current state of the computing element, queues, and worker nodes as well as their properties. For large sites, the administrator can zoom in/out to view all the elements of the site. Using this...
Roberto Pugliese
12/02/2008, 16:00
Application Porting and Deployment
ELETTRA is now building a new light source FERMI@Elettra which is a single-pass FEL user-facility covering the wavelength range from 100 nm (12 eV) to 10 nm (124 eV). The advent of femtosecond lasers has revolutionized many areas of science from solid state physics to biology. This new research frontier of ultra-fast VUV and X-ray science drives the development of a novel source for the...
Jan Kmunicek
12/02/2008, 16:00
Existing or Prospective Grid Services
Charon GUI is Java-based application currently running at specific server that functions as a dedicated frontend/user interface to individual virtual organization on EGEE or national Grid environment. The one and only prerequisite on the server side is to have Java Runtime Environment installed. Charon GUI displays on a remote X-server that can be either Linux OS or MS Windows with X-Window...
Santanu Das
12/02/2008, 16:00
Application Porting and Deployment
Condor is a specialized workload management system for compute-intensive jobs, which can effectively manage a variety of clusters of dedicated compute nodes. Today, there are grid schedulers, resource managers, and workload management systems available that can provide the functionality of the traditional batch queuing system e.g. Torque/PBS or provide the ability to harness cycles from idle...
Tomas Kulhanek
12/02/2008, 16:00
Existing or Prospective Grid Services
A significant activity in the classic distributed solution with computer servers and long-term storage devices of high capacity is the MeDiMed project (Metropolitan Digital Imaging System in Medicine), where the Masaryk University in Brno cooperates with a range of university and city hospitals. To be interconnected they take advantage of the CESNET2 high speed computer network. The goal of...
Andreas Menychtas
(NTUA), Mr
Theodoros Athanaileas
12/02/2008, 16:00
Application Porting and Deployment
This tool was developed following a multi-tier architectural approach in order to provide access to the core grid services through a state of the art web interface. Initially the in silico oncology source code was modified to facilitate the execution of simulations to grid nodes using parameter files that are automatically created from the end users using the tool. Additionally, grid specific...
Ales Krenek
(Masaryk Univeristy),
Cecile Germain-Renaud
12/02/2008, 16:00
Existing or Prospective Grid Services
The complexity of the hardware/software components, and the intricacy of their interactions, defeat attempts to build fault models only from a-priori knowledge. A black-box approach, where we observe the events to spot outliers, is appealing by its simplicity, and large body of experience in quality control. The general challenge is to detect anomalies as soon as possible. Much better...
Peter Kacsuk
12/02/2008, 16:00
Existing or Prospective Grid Services
For the EGEE users, having the option to enhance jobs with the ability to seamlessly migrate them to a DG environment will open up new possibilities and enable more widespread and frequent use of data challenge problems that require massive resources. Large DGs far outstrip the performance of even the largest supercomputers, and although DGs are certainly not intended, nor suited, for every...
J.R. Bilbao-Castro
(Dept. Computer Architecture and Electronics, University of Almerรญa, 04120, Almerรญa, Spain)
12/02/2008, 16:00
Application Porting and Deployment
3D Electron Tomography is a key imaging technique when studying large biological complexes like cells organelles or even whole cells structures. Projection images of the specimen are taken through electron microscopes. Nevertheless, technical limitations reduce the number and quality of the projections that can be obtained from the specimen under study. Because of this, the commonly used...
Ilias Maglogiannis
(University of Aegean)
12/02/2008, 16:00
Application Porting and Deployment
Users, accessing the platformโs Web interface through the implemented portal, are given the ability to submit their experiments, retrieve their results and also compare them with formerly submitted experiments. Access to services is enabled by parsing input files and accordingly activating the โgridifiedโ algorithms for processing the microarray experiments. Both data parsing operations and...
Azir Aliu
12/02/2008, 16:00
Scientific Results Obtained Using Grid Technology
Our algorithm enhances the results of digital mammogram processing. For image enhancements and appearance improvement, noise or error elimination, or to highlight certain image features, the algorithm uses density measures based on a normalized breast representation, method of image equalization and Kuvahara filter. This first phase is designed to have a very high sensitivity; the large number...
Ruben Alvarez
(European Space Agency)
12/02/2008, 16:00
Scientific Results Obtained Using Grid Technology
With the introduction of Grid technologies in the European Space Astronomy Center (ESAC) and once the astronomers are getting used to them, new possibilities both for result enhancement and for collaboration with other Astronomy institutes have started to be explored. Here we present some examples of such usage, showing the current status and also the immediate future development: a) The...
(IN2P3-LPC), Mr
12/02/2008, 16:00
Existing or Prospective Grid Services
Our first goal is an evaluation of the overall security.
Using the grid introduces in the information system of a laboratory or a company new infrastructure and processes that have to be taken into account in the management. This is specially true in the security management, where relevant subsystem should be introduced in the trust chain. The trust chain is the subset of the information...
Emmanuel Medernach
(LPC - Clermont, France)
12/02/2008, 16:00
Existing or Prospective Grid Services
Jobs durations vary a lot among groups or users depending of the kind of applications. For
instance a group dedicated to test the middleware have 90% of their jobs of duration less
than 5 minutes. Biomed jobs have a quarter of jobs running less than 2 minutes, another
quarter between 2 minutes and 8 hours, another quarter between 8h and one day and the
last quarter between one day and 3...
David Weissenbach
12/02/2008, 16:00
Scientific Results Obtained Using Grid Technology
For now, applications dealing with seismic noise (signal collected between
earthquakes, more than 99% of the data) or major earthquakes are taking
advantage of the grid facilities:
- average seismic noise level per day over the past years is computed
- polarized noise and source determination also over the past years.
Although much more demanding on CPU time, this was achieved...
Gabriel Neagu
(National Institute for R&D in Informatics - ICI Bucharest, Department of Research)
12/02/2008, 16:00
Existing or Prospective Grid Services
The candidate applications to be ported on grid were selected based on the following criteria: mature implementation in classic mode, extensive memory and/or computational requirements, grid as innovative approach for the given MOSI domain, expected user community in research and academic area, potential interest from industry. The list of selected applications includes: GridModRed - Model...
Cevat Sener
(Middle East Technical University)
12/02/2008, 16:00
Application Porting and Deployment
The candidate solutions found in AE are used to generate "offsprings" based on their fitness values; fitter candidates generating more offsprings into the next generation. This makes the entire computational requirements tend to be proportional to that of evaluating a single individual. Hence, the fitness evaluations of candidate solutions need to be spread over a large number of processors to...
Valerio Angelini
12/02/2008, 16:00
Existing or Prospective Grid Services
RISICO presently runs in gLite accessing input data stored in a SE using various proprietary formats. Our aim is to integrate this application with a framework of standard geospatial web services to gain more flexibility.
In this case the data will be stored in standard formats (GRIB) and will be accessed through standard interfaces.
The workflow will be as follows:
-The CP user selects an...
Andreas Skarlatoudis
(Geophysical Laboratory, Univ. Thessaloniki), Mr
Paschalis Korosoglou
(Grid Operations Centre, A.U.Th.)
12/02/2008, 16:00
Scientific Results Obtained Using Grid Technology
The aim of this study is to shed some light into the ground motion properties of Thessaloniki in 3 dimensions. Using a computer code that implements a 3D - 4th order staggered-grid velocity-stress finite-difference (FD) scheme (Moczo et al., 2002) full 3-dimensional synthetics of ground motion have been computed. The studying grid covers an area of 63 km2 with a depth of 12 km, which is...
Nikolay Marusov
(RRC "Kurchatov Inst.")
12/02/2008, 16:00
Scientific Results Obtained Using Grid Technology
We examine the hypothesis for a fractal condensed matter composed of magnetized nanodust capable of forming a skeleton of filamentary structures observed in various laboratory electric discharges, severe weather phenomena and space [2], suggested for explaining the unexpected longevity of these filaments and their unexpected (sometimes transverse) direction with respect to that of main...
Mario Lassnig
(CERN & University of Innsbruck, Austria)
12/02/2008, 16:00
Existing or Prospective Grid Services
We analyse the Distributed Data Management system Don Quijote 2 (DQ2) of the High-Energy Physics experiment ATLAS at CERN. ATLAS presents unprecedented data transfer and data storage requirements on the petascale and DQ2 was built to fulfill these requirements. DQ2 is built upon the EGEE infrastructure, while seamlessly enabling interoperability with the American OSG and the Scandinavian...
Marek Ciglan
(Institute of Informatics, Slovakia)
12/02/2008, 16:00
Application Porting and Deployment
From the viewpoint of grid computing, SM-PSE requires:
Computing Intensive Parametric Studies: The created cell tools enable users to repetitively create hundreds of huge models, which, consecutively, will be stereologically verified. The computation of volume and surface densities of a single model can take up to hours; i. e., computation of all the models would last for...
Radoslava Goranova
12/02/2008, 16:00
Application Porting and Deployment
Basic characteristics of service-oriented architectures are self-describing interfaces in platform-independent XML documents and interoperability between different systems and programming languages. gLite provides a lot of grid services but very few of them have self-describing interfaces with endpoints and WSDL documents. The lack of WSDL files for main gLite grid services make them very hard...
Paul De Vlieger
12/02/2008, 16:00
Application Porting and Deployment
Grids provide a lot of possibilities in terms of data storage and exchange. By using the telemedecine application developed at LPC Clermont-Ferrand we plan to add some functionalities to manage patient data throughout medical centres.
To get back all data around Europe concerning a patient we need to be able to identify these data ownership while certifying that alone, it must be impossible...
Romain Reuillon
12/02/2008, 16:00
Scientific Results Obtained Using Grid Technology
Monte Carlo simulations are typical Grid applications, they are considered as naturally parallel because many replications of the same experiment can be distributed on multiple execution units to reduce the global simulation time. However, one needs to take care of the underlying random number streams and ensure that the generated streams do not show intra or inter-correlations.
TestU01 is a...
Maurice Bouwhuis
12/02/2008, 16:00
Application Porting and Deployment
Today's Life Scientists need to have advanced High Performance Computing
facilities at their disposal. For that reason, and commissioned by the
Dutch BioInformatics Centre (NBIC) and the Dutch grid infrastructure project
(BiGGrid), SARA places, maintains and supports small but powerful computer clusters at the local sites of academic medical hospitals and universities. These clusters are...
Julia Andreeva
12/02/2008, 16:00
Scientific Results Obtained Using Grid Technology
Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) is a popular tool used in
neuroscience research to study brain function.
The Virtual Lab for fMRI (VL-fMRI) is developed as one of the activities
of the ``Medical Diagnosis and Imaging'' subprogram of the Virtual
Laboratory for e-Sciences Project. VL-fMRI has taken steps to enable data
management and analysis tasks for fMRI studies on the...
Ueng Wei-Long
12/02/2008, 16:00
Application Porting and Deployment
GAP is developed with the following aspects. It is easy to use for not only the end-users but also the grid application developers. GAP provides higher level of Java API which maps the problem domain model to programming domain model. GAP is easy to evolve for adapting new IT technologies as well, and the accommodation is transparent to both developers and users. The GAP abstracts the...
Karoly Jozsef Bosa
12/02/2008, 16:00
Application Porting and Deployment
In Globus Toolkit 4, we developed a parallel version of the simulation of the Hess-Lancaster test (typical medical examination). By this, we speeded up this simulation by a factor of 14-17.
Furthermore, we reported the prototype implementation of a medical database component for "Grid-Enabled SEE++". Our next steps concentrate on developing a distributed grid-enabled database...
Alessandro Di Girolamo
Andrea Sciaba
Elisa Lanciotti
Enzo Miccio
Harry Renshall
Jamie Shiers
Massimo Lamanna
Nicolo Magini
Patricia Mendez Lorenzo
Roberto Santinelli
Simone Campana
12/02/2008, 16:00
Scientific Results Obtained Using Grid Technology
The LHC machine will produce some 15PB of data per year. The management and the analysis of these data relies on a worldwide production Grid service involving hundreds of sites from EGEE and collaborating Grids. One significant challenge remains: to demonstrate that these computing facilities can be used to satisfy simultaneously the needs of the 4 major experiments of the LHC at full 2008...
Florin Pop
(University "Politehnica" of Bucharest), Prof.
Valentin Cristea
(University "Politehnica" of Bucharest)
12/02/2008, 16:00
Scientific Results Obtained Using Grid Technology
Based on our contribution to the 2nd EGEE User Forum, we extend the DIOGENES (DIstributed Optimal GENEtic algorithm for grid application Scheduling) project that provides a solution to the Grid scheduling problem at application level. The extension consists of a new algorithm that aims to achieve a distributed, fault-tolerant, scalable and efficient method for dependable task (DAG) assignment...