New front-end readout chip - SALT (Silicon ASIC for LHCb Tracking), is being currently designed by the Krakow group and will be used in the tracking system of the modernised LHCb experiment.
The new chip must perform synchronously full processing and zero suppression of the raw data stream. This is a novel approach to the design of custom readout electronics circuits intended for the experimental High Energy Physics application. The SALT ASIC (Application Specific Integrated Circuit) can be used to instrument all silicon micro-strip sub-detectors of the upgraded LHCb spectrometer. Additionally, its back-end part may be employed in the readout systems of the scintillating fiber tracker
and the new RICH detector. This note aims at providing a detailed description of the digital processing chain that needs to be implemented within the chip.
Silicon microstrip sensors are being considered for the upgrade of the VELO (VErtex LOcator), TT (Trigger Tracker) and IT (Inner Tracker) subsystems. It is therefore crucial for the LHCb upgrade that a FE readout chip
suited to this detector technology is developed. The R&D eort has indeed already started. Specications for the chip design have been devised for the VELO, TT and IT strip detector options. The chip will integrate 128 individual readout channels implemented in the IBM 130 nm CMOS technology. From the operational point of view each channel will consist of an AC-coupled analogue FE amplier-shaper, followed by a
6-bit ADC. The ASIC functionality will include zero-suppression and an interface with the GBT chip that will handle the high speed off-detector data transmission. A slow control block will be part of the design.
Commonalities with a SiPM (Silicon Photon Multiplier) FE readout chip for scintillating bres will also be studied. Apart perhaps from the analogue FE part, the two applications might be able to share a large part of the chip design and developments. A first version of the 6-bit ADC and analogue FE block were recently submitted for manufacturing as part of a multi-project wafer.