1–5 Sept 2014
Faculty of Civil Engineering
Europe/Prague timezone

The Run 2 ATLAS Analysis Event Data Model

2 Sept 2014, 15:15
C219 (Faculty of Civil Engineering)


Faculty of Civil Engineering

Faculty of Civil Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague Thakurova 7/2077 Prague 166 29 Czech Republic
Oral Data Analysis - Algorithms and Tools Data Analysis - Algorithms and Tools


Marcin Nowak (Brookhaven National Laboratory (US))


During the LHC's first Long Shutdown (LS1) ATLAS set out to establish a new analysis model, based on the experience gained during Run 1. A key component of this is a new Event Data Model (EDM), called the xAOD. This format, which is now in production, provides the following features: - A separation of the EDM into interface classes that the user code directly interacts with, and data storage classes that hold the payload data. The user sees an Array of Structs (AoS) interface, while the data is stored in a Struct of Arrays (SoA) format in memory, thus making it possible to efficiently auto-vectorise reconstruction code. - A simple way of augmenting and reducing the information saved for different data objects. This makes it possible to easily decorate objects with new properties during data analysis, and to remove properties that the analysis does not need. - A persistent file format that can be explored directly with ROOT, either with or without loading any additional libraries. This allows fast interactive navigation without additional overheads, while maintaining the possibility of using the interface EDM to its full potential. Both compiled C++ or interactive Python code can be used after loading a minimal set of libraries. The presentation will describe the design of the xAOD data format, showing the first results on reconstruction and analysis performance.


A presentation of the ATLAS Analysis Event Data Model (xAOD) developed for LHC's Run 2.

Primary authors

Andy Buckley (University of Glasgow (GB)) Attila Krasznahorkay (CERN) Dag Gillberg (CERN) Edward Moyse (University of Massachusetts (US)) Karsten Koeneke (Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiburg (DE)) Marcin Nowak (Brookhaven National Laboratory (US)) Markus Elsing (CERN) Dr Peter Van Gemmeren (Argonne National Laboratory (US)) Scott Snyder (Brookhaven National Laboratory (US)) Till Eifert (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (US))

Presentation materials