Andrei Kataev
(Institute for Nuclear Research of the Academy of Sciences of Russia)
The brief review of the modern developments of the studied by Grunberg ,Kataev, Chyla, Mikhailov , Brodsky, Wu , Mojaza and others
generalized Brodsky-Lepage-McKenzie approach,
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corrections to the renormalization-group invariant observable quantities in QCD are presented. The special attention is paid
to the procedure of splitting the perturbative QCD coefficients, evaluated in the MS-like schemes, to the parts , which respect conformal symmetry , and to the ones, which are violating it within perturbation theory. The procedures and of the resummations of the latter ones are discussed. The ideas of their computer implementations are mentioned in brief.
Andrei Kataev
(Institute for Nuclear Research of the Academy of Sciences of Russia)