23–28 Jun 2014
Europe/Zurich timezone

Dark-matter distributions around massive black holes: A general relativistic Analysis

27 Jun 2014, 17:10
Room 5 (Tuschinski Theatre)

Room 5

Tuschinski Theatre

Presentation Dark Matter: Cosmological Aspects Dark Matter: Cosmological Aspects


Francesc Ferrer (W)


The cold dark matter at the center of a galaxy will be redistributed by the presence of a massive black hole. We apply the adiabatic growth framework in a fully relativistic setting to obtain the final dark-matter density for both cored and cusped initial distributions. Besides the implications for indirect detection estimates, we show that the gravitational effects of such a dark-matter spike are smaller than the relativistic effects of the black hole for stars orbiting close to the black hole that might be candidates for testing the black-hole no-hair theorems.


Presentation materials