Feb 12 – 15, 2014
University of Geneva - UNI MAIL
Europe/Zurich timezone
There is a live webcast for this event.
Future Circular Collider Study Kickoff Meeting

Contribution List

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2/12/14, 12:00 PM
Alain Blondel (Universite de Geneve (CH)), Jean-Dominique VASSALLI (Rector of University of Geneva)
2/12/14, 1:30 PM
Christophe Grojean (ICREA - Institucio catalana de recerca estudis avancats (ES))
2/12/14, 2:30 PM
Frédérick Bordry (CERN)
2/12/14, 3:30 PM
Michael Benedikt (CERN)
2/12/14, 3:50 PM
Jonathan R. Ellis (King's College London, UK)
2/13/14, 4:30 PM
Dr Austin Ball (CERN), Dr Fabiola Gianotti (CERN)
2/14/14, 2:00 PM
Max Klein (University of Liverpool (GB))
2/14/14, 2:00 PM
Chris Quigg (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))
2/14/14, 2:00 PM
Alain Blondel (Universite de Geneve (CH)), Roberto Tenchini (Sezione di Pisa (IT))
2/14/14, 2:20 PM
Andrei Seryi (John Adams Institute for Accelerator Science)
2/14/14, 2:25 PM
Alessandra Valloni (CERN)
2/14/14, 2:30 PM
Swapan Chattopadhyay (Cockcroft Institute, UK)
2/14/14, 2:35 PM
Rogelio Tomas Garcia (CERN)
2/14/14, 2:50 PM
Alessandro Polini (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN))
2/14/14, 3:10 PM
Stephane Monteil (Univ. Blaise Pascal Clermont-Fe. II (FR))
2/14/14, 3:20 PM
David Larbalestier (National High Magnetic Field Laboratory)
2/14/14, 4:05 PM
Max Klein (University of Liverpool (GB))
2/14/14, 4:20 PM
Christos Leonidopoulos (University of Edinburgh (GB))
2/14/14, 4:35 PM
Dr Benjamin Hooberman (FNAL), Dr David Coté (Arlington UT)
2/14/14, 4:40 PM
Brian Cole (Columbia University (US))
2/14/14, 4:40 PM
All, Austin Ball (CERN), Dr Fabiola Gianotti (CERN)
2/14/14, 5:00 PM
Peter McIntyre (Texas A&M University)
2/14/14, 5:15 PM
Philippe Schwemling (CEA/IRFU,Centre d'etude de Saclay Gif-sur-Yvette (FR))
2/14/14, 5:40 PM
Staszek Jadach (Polish Academy of Sciences (PL))
2/14/14, 6:05 PM
Frank Zimmermann (CERN), Michael Benedikt (CERN)
2/15/14, 12:30 PM
2/15/14, 1:00 PM
Monica D'Onofrio (University of Liverpool (GB))
Uta Klein (University of Liverpool (GB))
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Bernhard Holzer (CERN), Dr Rogelio Tomas Garcia (CERN)