10th International Workshop on High-pT Physics in the RHIC/LHC era

Pascal Auditorium (SUBATECH Nantes)

Pascal Auditorium


La Chantrerie 4 Rur Alfred Kastler 44307 Nantes Cedex 3
HPT Workshop 2014 in SUBATECH

The 10th HPT workshop at RHIC and LHC will be held in SUBATECH / Mines de Nantes from Sept. 9 to Sept. 12. 2014 located in the north east part of Nantes.
The main topics of the workshop are presented on the homepage.

The meeting is in a workshop format, with only plenary presentations and ample room for discussion between the presentations. The workshop will end Friday 12th of September before lunch.

The conference will publish proceedings.

The regular registration fee is 150€. It will include:
  •  Coffee breaks and 3 lunches
  •  A dinner in a restaurant located downtown
  •  A social event which will be defined soon
Any accompanying person willing to join the social event and/or dinner, will have to pay the corresponding fee: 25€ and 70€ respectively (included for regular participant).

We will be offering a limited number of financial supports for PhD students and young postdocs (within two years of the completion of their Ph.D). In order to apply, please send a recommendation letter to us or upload it using the registration form.

A list of hotels can be found here.