LISHEP2009-International School on High Energy Physics - Session C - Workshop on Forward Physics, Exotica and Associated Technologies at LHC
Auditorium 11 - First Floor (Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro)
Auditorium 11 - First Floor
Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
Rua São Francisco Xavier, 524
20550-013 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ
Alberto Santoro(Instituto de Fisica)
LISHEP has 4 Sessions performed in different dates.
Session A - Dedicated to Professors of Secondary School- The next Session A will be performed in Jannuary 12 - 16, 2009.
Seesion B - Is a traditional School on High Energy Physics - It will not be performed this time.
Session C - Is a Workshop on High Energy Physics with specific topics -This Session will be performed between 19 - 24 of Jannuary 2009
Session D - Is a Workshop on Associated Technologies on HEP. -It will not be performed this time
This year we will have on the Session C two topics of Common interest of Brazilian Community of HEP and Experiments at LHC. We will announce soon the Program and Poster of the Workshop.