Nils Gollub
Nils Gollub
(University of Uppsala)
ATLAS Tile Calorimeter detector (TileCal) is presently involved in an intense phase
of commissioning with cosmic rays and subsystems integration. Various monitoring
programs have been developed at different level of the data flow to tune the set-up
of the detector running conditions and to provide a fast and reliable assessment of
the data quality.
The presentation will focus on the on-line monitoring tools employed during TileCal
detector commissioning and integration tests with cosmic rays and in particular on
the monitoring system integrated in the highest level of the Trigger, the Event
Filter (EF).
The key feature of EF monitoring is the capability of performing detector and data
quality control on the complete physics event at the trigger level, hence before it
is stored on disk. In the on-line data flow, this is the only monitoring system in
ATLAS capable of giving a comprehensive event quality feedback.
The presentation will also show some monitoring results of the integration tests with
other sub-detectors and performances and future upgrades of the current implementation.
Submitted on behalf of Collaboration (ex, BaBar, ATLAS) | Atlas TileCal project |
Luca Fiorini
(IFAE Barcelona)
Nils Gollub
(University of Uppsala)