Marco Mambelli
(University of Chicago)
05/09/2007, 08:00
Distributed data analysis and information management
A Data Skimming Service (DSS) is a site-level service for rapid event filtering and
selection from locally resident datasets based on metadata queries to associated
"tag" databases. In US ATLAS, we expect most if not all of the AOD-based datasets to
be be replicated to each of the five Tier 2 regional facilities in the US Tier 1
"cloud" coordinated by Brookhaven National Laboratory. ...
Marco Cecchi
05/09/2007, 08:00
Grid middleware and tools
Since the beginning, one of the design guidelines for the Workload Management System
currently included in the gLite middleware was flexibility with respect to the
deployment scenario: the WMS has to work correctly and efficiently in any
configuration: centralized, decentralized, and in perspective even peer-to-peer.
Yet the preferred deployment solution is to concentrate the workload...
Torsten Harenberg
(University of Wuppertal)
05/09/2007, 08:00
Grid middleware and tools
Today, one of the major challenges in science is the processing of large datasets.
The LHC experiments will produce an enormous amount of results that are
stored in databases or files. These data are processed by a large
number of small jobs that read only chunks.
Existing job monitoring tools inside the LHC Computing Grid (LCG) provide
just limited functionality to the user.
Silvio Pardi
(University of Naples ``Federico II'' - C.S.I. and INFN)
05/09/2007, 08:00
Grid middleware and tools
The user interface is a crucial service to guarantee the Grid accessibility. The goal
to achieve, is the implementation of an environment able to hide the grid complexity
and offer a familiar interface to the final user.
Currently many graphical interfaces have been proposed to simplify the grid access,
but the GUI approach appears not very congenital to UNIX developers and...
Valentin Kuznetsov
(Cornell University)
05/09/2007, 08:00
Distributed data analysis and information management
The CMS Dataset Bookkeeping System (DBS) search page is a
web-based application used by physicists and production managers
to find data from the CMS experiment. The main challenge in the
design of the system was to map the complex, distributed data
model embodied in the DBS and the Data Location Service (DLS) to
a simple, intuitive interface consistent with the mental model...
Giacinto Piacquadio
(Physikalisches Institut - Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg)
05/09/2007, 08:00
Event Processing
A new inclusive secondary vertexing algorithm which exploits the topological
structure of weak b- and c-hadron decays inside jets is presented. The primary goal
is the application to b-jet tagging. The fragmentation of a b-quark results in a
decay chain composed of a secondary vertex from the weakly decaying b-hadron and
typically one or more tertiary vertices from c-hadron decays. The...
Sebastien Incerti
05/09/2007, 08:00
Event Processing
Detailed knowledge of the microscopic pattern of energy deposition related to the
particle track structure is required to study radiation effects in various domains,
like electronics, gaseous detectors or biological systems.
The extension of Geant4 physics down to the electronvolt scale requires not only new
physics models, but also adequate design technology. For this purpose a...
Michele Pioppi
05/09/2007, 08:00
Event Processing
In the CMS software, a dedicated electron track reconstruction algorithm, based on a
Gaussian Sum Filter (GSF), is used. This algorithm is able to follow an electron
along its complete
path up to the electromagnetic calorimeter, even in the case of a large amount of
Bremsstrahlung emission. Because of the significant CPU consumption of this
algorithm, however, it can be run only on a...
Pablo Martinez
(Insitituto de Física de Cantabria)
05/09/2007, 08:00
Distributed data analysis and information management
A precise alignment of Muon System is one of the requirements to fulfill the CMS
expected performance to cover its physics program. A first prototype of the
software and computing tools to achieve this goal has been successfully tested
during the CSA06, Computing, Software and Analysis Challenge in 2006. Data was
exported from Tier-0 to Tier-1 and Tier-2, where the alignment software...
Josva Kleist
(Nordic Data Grid Facility)
05/09/2007, 08:00
Grid middleware and tools
AliEn or Alice Environment is the Gridware developed and used within the ALICE
collaboration for storing and processing data in a distributed manner. ARC (Advanced
Resource Connector) is the Grid middleware deployed across the Nordic countries and
gluing together the resources within the Nordic Data Grid Facility (NDGF). In this
paper we will present our approach to integrate AliEn and...
Luca Magnoni
05/09/2007, 08:00
Grid middleware and tools
In a Grid environment the naming capability allows users to refer to specific data
resources in a physical storage system using a high level logical identifier. This
logical identifier is typically organized in a file system like structure, a
hierarchical tree of names. Storage Resource Manager (SRM) services map the logical
identifier to the physical location of data evaluating a set of...
Stephane Chauvie
(INFN Genova)
05/09/2007, 08:00
Event Processing
An original model is presented for the simulation of the energy loss of negatively
charged hadrons: it calculates the stopping power by regarding the target atoms as an
ensemble of quantum harmonic oscillators.
This approach allows to account for charge dependent effects in the stopping power,
which are relevant at low energy: the differences between the stopping powers of
positive and...
Jerome Lauret
05/09/2007, 08:00
Distributed data analysis and information management
Secure access to computing facilities has been increasingly on demand of practical
tools as the world of cyber-security infrastructure has changed the landscape to
access control via gatekeepers or gateways. However, the venue of two factor
authentication (SSH keys for example) preferred over simpler Unix based login has
introduced the challenging task of managing private keys and its...
Josva Kleist
(Nordic Data Grid Facility)
05/09/2007, 08:00
Grid middleware and tools
The Nordic Data Grid Facility (NDGF) consists of Grid resources running ARC
middleware in Scandinavia and other countries. These resources serve many virtual
organisations and contribute a large fraction of total worldwide resources for the
ATLAS experiment, whose data is distributed and managed by the DQ2 software. Managing
ATLAS data within NDGF and between NDGF and other Grids used by...
Rolf Seuster
(University of Victoria)
05/09/2007, 08:00
Event Processing
The ATLAS Liquid Argon Calorimter consists of precision electromagnetic
accordion calorimeters in the barrel and endcaps, hadronic calorimeters
in the endcaps, and calorimeters in the forward region.
The initial high energy collision data at the LHC experiments is
expected in the spring of 2008. While tools for the reconstruction of
the calorimeter data are quite developed through years...
Daniela Rebuzzi
(INFN, Sezione di Pavia), Dr
Nectarios Benekos
(Max-Planck-Institut fur Physik)
05/09/2007, 08:00
Event Processing
The ATLAS detector, currently being installed at CERN, is designed
to make precise measurements of 14 TeV proton-proton collisions at
the LHC, starting in 2007. Arguably the clearest signatures for
new physics, including the Higgs Boson and supersymmetry, will involve
the production of isolated final-stated muons. The identification and
precise reconstruction of muons are performed using...
Ricardo Vilalta
(University of Houston)
05/09/2007, 08:00
Event Processing
Advances in statistical learning have placed at our disposal a rich set of
classification algorithms (e.g., neural networks, decision trees, Bayesian
classifiers, support vector machines, etc.) with little or no guidelines on how to
select the analysis technique most appropriate for the task at hand. In this paper we
present a new approach for the automatic selection of predictive models...
Michal Kwiatek
05/09/2007, 08:00
Collaborative tools
The digitalization of CERN audio-visual archives, a major task currently in
progress, will generate over 40 TB of video, audio and photo files. Storing
these files is one issue, but a far more important challenge is to provide long-
time coherence of the archive and to make these files available on line with
minimum manpower investment.
An infrastructure, based on standard CERN...
Andrew McNab
(University of Manchester)
05/09/2007, 08:00
Grid middleware and tools
GridSite has extended the industry-standard Apache webserver for use within Grid
projects, by adding support for Grid security credentials such as GSI and VOMS. With
the addition of
the GridHTTP protocol for bulk file transfer via HTTP and the development of a mapping
between POSIX filesystem operations and HTTP requests we have extended this scope of
GridSite into bulk data transfer and...
Douglas Benjamin
(Duke University)
05/09/2007, 08:00
Distributed data analysis and information management
The CDF experiment at Fermilab produces Monte Carlo data files using computing
resources on both the Open
Science Grid (OSG) and LHC Computing Grid (LCG) grids. This data produced must be
brought back to Fermilab
for archival storage. In the past CDF produced Monte Carlo data on dedicated
computer farms through out
the world. The data files were copied directly from the worker nodes to...
Daniele Bonacorsi
(INFN-CNAF, Bologna, Italy)
05/09/2007, 08:00
Distributed data analysis and information management
The CMS experiment operated a Computing, Software and Analysis Challenge in 2006 (CSA06). This activity is part
of the constant work of CMS in computing challenges of increasing complexity to demonstrate the capability to
deploy and operate a distributing computing system at the desired scale in 2008. The CSA06 challenge was a 25%
exercise, and included several workflow elements: event...
Andreas Nowack
(III. Physikalisches Institut (B), RWTH Aachen)
05/09/2007, 08:00
Distributed data analysis and information management
In Germany, several university institutes and research centres take
part in the CMS experiment. Concerning the data analysis, a couple of
computing centres at different Tier levels, ranging from Tier 1 to
Tier 3, exists at these places. The German Tier 1 centre GridKa at the
research centre at Karlsruhe serves all four LHC experiments as
well as for four non-LHC experiments. With respect...
Alexander Read
(University of Oslo, Department of Physics)
05/09/2007, 08:00
Grid middleware and tools
Computing and storage resources connected by the Nordugrid ARC middleware in the
Nordic countries, Switzerland and Slovenia are a part of the ATLAS computing grid.
This infrastructure is being commissioned with the ongoing ATLAS Monte Carlo
simulation production in preparation for the commencement of data taking in late
2007. The unique non-intrusive architecture of ARC, it's...
Richard McClatchey
05/09/2007, 08:00
Distributed data analysis and information management
We introduce the concept, design and deployment of the DIANA meta-scheduling approach
to solving the challenge of the data analysis being faced by the CERN experiments.
The DIANA meta-scheduler supports data intensive bulk scheduling, is network aware
and follows a policy centric meta-scheduling that will be explained in some detail.
In this paper, we describe a Physics analysis case...
Domenico Giordano
(Dipartimento Interateneo di Fisica)
05/09/2007, 08:00
Event Processing
The CMS Silicon Strip Tracker (SST), consisting of more than 10 millions of channels,
is organized in about 16,000 detector modules and it is the largest silicon strip
tracker ever built for high energy physics experiments.
In the first half of 2007 the CMS SST project is facing the important milestone of
commissioning and testing a quarter of the entire SST with cosmic muons.
The full...
Tigran Mkrtchyan Mkrtchyan
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
05/09/2007, 08:00
Grid middleware and tools
Starting June 2007, all WLCG data management services have to be ready and prepared
to move terabytes of data from CERN to the Tier 1 centers world wide, and from the
Tier 1s to their corresponding Tier 2s. Reliable file transfer services, like FTS, on
top of the SRM v2.2 protocol are playing a major role in this game. Nevertheless,
moving large junks of data is only part of the...
Enrico Fattibene
(INFN-CNAF, Bologna, Italy), Mr
Giuseppe Misurelli
(INFN-CNAF, Bologna, Italy)
05/09/2007, 08:00
Grid middleware and tools
A monitoring tool for complex Grid systems can gather a huge amount of information
that have to be presented to the users in the most comprehensive way. Moreover
different types of consumers could be interested in inspecting and analyzing
different subsets of data. The main goal in designing a Web interface for the
presentation of monitoring information is to organize the huge amount of...
Ricardo Graciani Diaz
(Universidad de Barcelona)
05/09/2007, 08:00
Distributed data analysis and information management
DIRAC Services and Agents are defined in the context of the DIRAC system (the LHCb's
Grid Workload and Data Management system), and how they cooperate to build functional
sub-systems is presented. How the Services and Agents are built from the low level
DIRAC framework tools is described.
Practical experiente in the LHCb production system has directed the creation of the
current DIRAC...
Adrian Casajus Ramo
(Universitat de Barcelona)
05/09/2007, 08:00
Grid middleware and tools
The DIRAC system is made of a number of cooperating Services and Agents that interact
between them with a Client-Server architecture. All DIRAC components rely on a low
level framework that provides the necessary basic functionality.
In the current version of DIRAC these components have been identified as: DISET, the
secure communication protocol for remote procedure call and file...
Gianluca Castellani
(European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN))
05/09/2007, 08:00
Distributed data analysis and information management
LHCb accesses Grid through DIRAC, its WorkLoad and Data Management
In DIRAC all the jobs are stored in central task queues and then pulled onto
worker nodes via generic Grid jobs called Pilot Agents. These task queues are
characterized by different requirements about CPUtime and destination.
Because the whole LHCb community is divided in sets of physicists, developers,...
Andrei Tsaregorodtsev
(CNRS-IN2P3-CPPM, Marseille)
05/09/2007, 08:00
Grid middleware and tools
The DIRAC system was developed in order to provide a complete solution
for using distributed computing resources of the LHCb experiment at CERN
for data production and analysis. It allows a concurrent use of over 10K CPUs and
10M file replicas distributed over many tens of sites. The sites can be part of a
computing grid such as WLCG or standalone computing clusters all integrated in a...
Andrew Cameron Smith
05/09/2007, 08:00
Grid middleware and tools
DIRAC, LHCb’s Grid Workload and Data Management System, utilises WLCG resources and
middleware components to perform distributed computing tasks satisfying LHCb’s
Computing Model. The Data Management System (DMS) handles data transfer and data
access within LHCb. Its scope ranges from the output of the LHCb Online system to
Grid-enabled storage for all data types. It supports metadata for...
Julius Hrivnac
05/09/2007, 08:00
Distributed data analysis and information management
LCG experiments will contain large amount of data in relational databases.
Those data will be spread over many sites (Grid or not). Fast and easy
access will required not only from the batch processing jobs, but also
from the interactive analysis.
While many system have been proposed and developed for access to file-based
data in the distributed environment, methods of efficient access...
Lana Abadie
05/09/2007, 08:00
Grid middleware and tools
The DPM (Disk Pool Manager) provides a lightweight and scalable
managed disk storage system. In this paper, we describe the new
features of the DPM.
It is integrated in the grid middleware and is compatible with
both VOMS and grid proxies. Besides the primary/secondary groups
(or roles), the DPM supports ACLs adding more flexibility in
setting file permissions.
Tools ...
Claude Charlot
(Ecole Polytechnique)
05/09/2007, 08:00
Event Processing
We describe the strategy developed for electron reconstruction in CMS. Emphasis is
put on isolated electrons and on recovering the bremsstrahlung losses due to the
presence of the material before the ECAL. Following the strategy used for the high
level triggers, a first
filtering is obtained building seeds from the clusters reconstructed in the ECAL. A
dedicated trajectory building is...
Vincenzo Ciaschini
05/09/2007, 08:00
Grid middleware and tools
While starting to use the grid in production, applications have begun to demand the
implementation of complex policies regarding the use of resources. Some want to
divide their users in different priority brackets and classify the resources in
different classes, others again content themselves with considering all users and
resources equal. Resource managers have to work into enabling...
Joel Closier
05/09/2007, 08:00
Grid middleware and tools
The LHCb experiment has chosen to use the SAM framework (Service Availability
Monitoring Environment) provided by the WLCG developers to make extensive tests of
the LHCb environment at all the accessible grid resources. The availability and the
proper definition of the local Computing and Storage Elements, user interfaces as
well as the WLCG software environment are checked.
The same...
Sergey Gorbunov
(GSI), Dr
alexander glazov
05/09/2007, 08:00
Event Processing
Stand-alone event reconstruction was developed for the Forward and the
Backward Silicon Trackers of the H1 experiment at HERA. The
reconstruction module includes the pattern recognition algorithm, a
track fitter and primary vertex finder. The reconstruction
algorithm shows high efficiency and speed. The detector alignment
was performed to within an accuracy of 10 um which...
Trunov Artem
(CC-IN2P3 (Lyon) and EKP (Karlsruhe))
05/09/2007, 08:00
Distributed data analysis and information management
We present our experience in setting up an xrootd storage cluster at CC-IN2P3 - a LCG
Tier-1 computing Center. The solution consists of xrootd storage cluster made of NAS
boxes and includes an interface to dCache/SRM, and Mass Storage System. The feature
of this system is integration of PROOF for facilitation of analysis. The setup allows
to take advantage of ease of administrative burden,...
Ludek Matyska
05/09/2007, 08:00
Grid middleware and tools
Grid middleware stacks, including gLite, matured into the state of being able to
process upto millions of jobs per day. Logging and Bookkeeping, the gLite
job-tracking service keeps pace with this rate, however it is not designed to provide
a long-term archive of executed jobs.
ATLAS---representative of large user community--- addresses this issue with its own
job catalogue (prodDB)....
Kyu Park
(Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Florida)
05/09/2007, 08:00
Distributed data analysis and information management
A primary goal of the NSF-funded UltraLight Project is to expand existing
data-intensive grid computing infrastructures to the next level by enabling a managed
network that provides dynamically constructed end-to-end paths (optically or
virtually, in whole or in part). Network bandwidth used to be the primary limiting
factor, but with the recent advent of 10Gb/s network paths end-to-end,...
Extension of the DIRAC workload-management system to allow use of distributed Windows resources
Ying Ying Li
(University of Cambridge)
05/09/2007, 08:00
Grid middleware and tools
The DIRAC workload-management system of the LHCb experiment allows
coordinated use of globally distributed computing power and data storage. The
system was initially deployed only on Linux platforms, where it has been used
very successfully both for collaboration-wide production activities and for single-
user physics studies. To increase the resources available to LHCb, DIRAC has...
Klaus Goetzen
(GSI Darmstadt)
05/09/2007, 08:00
Event Processing
As one of the primary experiments to be located at the new Facility for Antiproton
and Ion Research in Darmstadt the PANDA experiment
aims for high quality hadron spectroscopy from antiproton proton collisions.
The versatile and comprehensive projected physics program requires an elaborate
detector design. The detector for the PANDA experiment will be a very complex machine
consisting of...
Manuel Venancio Gallas Torreira
05/09/2007, 08:00
Event Processing
Based on the ATLAS TileCal 2002 test-beam setup example, we present
here the technical, software aspects of a possible solution to the
problem of using two different simulation engines, like Geant4 and
Fluka, with the common geometry and digitization code. The specific
use case we discuss here, which is probably the most common one, is
when the Geant4 application is already implemented....
Edmund Widl
(Institut für Hochenergiephysik (HEPHY Vienna))
05/09/2007, 08:00
Event Processing
The Kalman alignment algorithm (KAA) has been specifically developed to cope with the
demands that arise from the specifications of the CMS Tracker. The algorithmic
concept is based on the Kalman filter formalism and is designed to avoid the
inversion of large matrices.
Most notably, the KAA strikes a balance between conventional global and local
track-based alignment algorithms, by...
Remi Mollon
05/09/2007, 08:00
Grid middleware and tools
GFAL, or Grid File Access Library, is a C library developed by
LCG to give a uniform POSIX interface to local and remote
Storage Elements on the Grid. LCG-Util is a set of tools to
copy/replicate/delete files and register them in a Grid File
In order to match experiment requirements, these two components
had to evolve. Thus, the new Storage ...
Ted Hesselroth
(Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
05/09/2007, 08:00
Grid middleware and tools
gPlazma is the authorization mechanism for the distributed storage system dCache.
Clients are authorized based on a grid proxy and may be allowed various privileges
based on a role contained in the proxy. Multiple authorization mechanisms may be
deployed through gPlazma, such as legacy dcache-kpwd, grid-mapfile, grid-vorolemap,
or GUMS. Site-authorization through SAZ is also supported....
Laurence Field
05/09/2007, 08:00
Grid middleware and tools
Grid Information Systems are mission-critical components for production grid
infrastructures. They provide detailed information which is needed for the
optimal distribution of jobs, data management and overall monitoring of the
Grid. As the number of sites within these infrastructure continues to grow,
it must be understood if the current systems have the capacity to handle the
Alexandre Vaniachine
(Argonne National Laboratory)
05/09/2007, 08:00
Grid middleware and tools
To process the vast amount of data from high energy physics experiments, physicists rely
on Computational and Data Grids; yet, the distribution, installation, and updating of a
myriad of different versions of different programs over the Grid environment is
complicated, time-consuming, and error-prone.
We report on the development of a Grid Software Installation Management Framework...
Alessandra Forti
(University of Manchester)
05/09/2007, 08:00
Collaborative tools
System Management Working Group (SMWG) of sys admins from Hepix and
grid sites has been setup to address the fabric management problems
that HEP sites might have. The group is open and its goal is
not to implement new tools but to share what is already in use at
sites according to existing best practices. Some sites are already
publicly sharing their tools and sensors and some other...
Nobuhiko Katayama
(High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
05/09/2007, 08:00
Grid middleware and tools
The Belle experiment operates at the KEKB accelerator, a high luminosity
asymmetric energy e+ e- collider. The Belle collaboration studies CP violation in
decays of B meson to answer one of the fundamental questions of Nature, the
matter-anti-matter asymmetry. Currently, Belle accumulates more than one
million B Bbar meson pairs that correspond to about 1.2 TB of raw data in one...
Alfonso Mantero
(INFN Genova)
05/09/2007, 08:00
Event Processing
A component of the Geant4 toolkit is responsible for the simulation of atomic
relaxation: it is part of a modelling approach of electromagnetic interactions that
takes into account the detailed atomic structure of matter, by describing particle
interactions at the level of the atomic shells of the target material.
The accuracy of Geant4 Atomic Relaxation has been evaluated against the...
Daniela Rebuzzi
(INFN Pavia and Pavia University)
05/09/2007, 08:00
Event Processing
The Atlas Muon Spectrometer is designed to reach a very high transverse momentum
resolution for muons in a pT range extending from 6 GeV/c up to 1 Tev/c. The most
demanding design goal is an overall uncertainty of 50 microns on the sagitta of a
muon with pT = 1 TeV/c. Such precision requires an accurate control of the positions
of the muon detectors and of their movements during the...
Aatos Heikkinen
(Helsinki Institute of Physics, HIP)
05/09/2007, 08:00
Event Processing
We introduce a new implementation of Liege cascade INCL4 with ABLA evaporation in
INCL4 treats hadron, Deuterium, Tritium, and Helium beams up to 3 GeV energy,
while ABLA provides treatment for light evaporation residues.
The physics models in INCL4 and ABLA and are reviewd with focus on recent additions.
Implementation details, such as first version of object oriented...
Timur Perelmutov
05/09/2007, 08:00
Distributed data analysis and information management
The Storage Resource Manager (SRM) and WLCG collaborations recently
defined version 2.2 of the SRM protocol, with the goal of satisfying
the requirement of the LCH experiments. The dCache team has now
finished the implementation of all SRM v2.2 elements required by the
WLCG. The new functions include space reservation, more advanced data
transfer, and new namespace and permission...
Thomas Doherty
(University of Glasgow)
05/09/2007, 08:00
Grid middleware and tools
AMI is an application which stores and allows access to dataset metadata for the ATLAS
experiment. It provides a set of generic tools for managing database applications. It
has a
three-tier architecture with a core that supports a connection to any RDBMS using
JDBC and
SQL. The middle layer assumes that the databases have an AMI compliant self-describing
structure. It provides a...
Jay Packard
05/09/2007, 08:00
Grid middleware and tools
Identity mapping is necessary when a site's resources do not use GRID
credentials natively, but instead use a different mechanism to identify
users, such as UNIX accounts or Kerberos principals. In these cases, the
GRID credential for each incoming job must be associated with an
appropriate site credential. Many sites consist of a heterogeneous
environment with multiple gatekeepers, which...
Akos Frohner
05/09/2007, 08:00
Grid middleware and tools
The goal of the Medical Data Management (MDM) task is to provide
secure (encrypted and under access control) access to medical
images, which are stored at hospitals in DICOM servers or are
replicated to standard grid Storage Elements (SE) elsewhere.
In gLite 3.0 there are three major components to satisfy the
requirements: The dCache/DICOM SE is a special SE, which...
Robert Harakaly
05/09/2007, 08:00
Grid middleware and tools
Configuration is an essential part of the deployment process of any software product.
In the case of Grid middleware the variety and complexity of grid services coupled
with multiple deployment scenarios make the provision of a coherent configuration
both more important and more difficult. The configuration system must provide a
simple interface which strikes a balance between the...
Iosif Legrand
05/09/2007, 08:00
Grid middleware and tools
MonaLISA (Monitoring Agents in A Large Integrated Services Architecture) provides a
distributed service for monitoring, control and global optimization of complex
systems including the grids and networks used by the LHC experiments. MonALISA is
based on an ensemble of autonomous multi-threaded, agent-based subsystems which able
to collaborate and cooperate to perform a wide range of...
Gianluca Castellani
05/09/2007, 08:00
Grid middleware and tools
Facilities offered by WLCG are extensively used by LHCb in all aspects of their
computing activity. A real time knowledge of the status of all Grid components
involved is needed to optimize their exploitation. This is achieved by employing
different monitoring services each one supplying a specific overview of the
system. SAME tests are used in LHCb for monitoring the status of CE...
Paul Millar
05/09/2007, 08:00
Grid middleware and tools
Computing resources in HEP are increasingly delivered utilising grid
technologies, which presents new challenges in terms of monitoring.
Monitoring involves the flow of information between different
communities: the various resource-providers and the different user
communities. The challenge is providing information so everyone can
find what they need: from the local site administrators,...
Sergio Andreozzi
05/09/2007, 08:00
Grid middleware and tools
GridICE is an open source distributed monitoring tool for Grid systems that is
integrated in the gLite middleware and provides continuous monitoring of the EGEE
infrastructure. The main goals of GridICE are: to provide both summary and detailed
view of the status and availability of Grid resource, to highlight a number of
pre-defined fault situations and to present usage information. In...
Sylvain Reynaud
05/09/2007, 08:00
Grid middleware and tools
Advanced capabilities available in nowadays batch systems are fundamental for
operators of high-performance computing centers in order to provide a high-
quality service to their local users. Existing middleware allow sites to expose
grid-enabled interfaces of the basic functionalities offered by the site’s
computing service. However, they do not provide enough mechanisms for...
Graeme Stewart
(University of Glasgow)
05/09/2007, 08:00
Grid middleware and tools
When operational, the Large Hadron Collider experiments at CERN will
collect tens of petabytes of physics data per year. The worldwide LHC
computing grid (WLCG) will distribute this data to over two hundred
Tier-1 and Tier-2 computing centres, enabling particle physicists
around the globe to access the data for analysis. Different middleware
solutions exist for effective management of...
Martin Radicke
(DESY Hamburg)
05/09/2007, 08:00
Grid middleware and tools
The dCache software has become a major storage element in the WLCG, providing
high-speed file transfers by caching datasets on potentially thousands of disk
servers in front of tertiary storage. Currently dCache's model of separately
connecting all disk servers to the tape backend leads to locally controlled flush and
restore behavior has shown some inefficiencies in respect of tape drive...
Marco La Rosa
(The University of Melbourne)
05/09/2007, 08:00
Software components, tools and databases
With the proliferation of multi-core x86 processors, it is reasonable to
ask whether the supporting infrastructure of the system (memory
bandwidth, IO bandwidth etc) can handle as many jobs as there are cores.
Furthermore, are traditional benchmarks like SpecINT and SpecFloat
adequate for assessing multi-core systems in real computing situations.
In this paper we present the results of...
Michal Kwiatek
05/09/2007, 08:00
Collaborative tools
For many years at CERN we had a very sophisticated print server infrastructure
which supported several different protocols (AppleTalk, IPX and TCP/IP ) and
many different printing standards. Today’s situation differs a lot: we have much
more homogenous network infrastructure, where TCP/IP is used everywhere
and we have less printer models, which almost all work with current standards...
Alexander Kulyavtsev
05/09/2007, 08:00
Distributed data analysis and information management
dCache is a distributed storage system which today stores and serves
petabytes of data in several large HEP experiments. Resilient dCache
is a top level service within dCache, created to address reliability
and file availability issues when storing data for extended periods of
time on disk-only storage systems. The Resilience Manager
automatically keeps the number of copies within...
Gregory Dubois-Felsmann
05/09/2007, 08:00
Grid middleware and tools
The BaBar experiment currently uses approximately 4000 KSI2k on
dedicated Tier 1 and Tier 2 compute farms to produce Monte Carlo
events and to create analysis datasets from detector and Monte Carlo
events. This need will double in the next two years requiring
additional resources.
We describe enhancements to the BaBar experiment's distributed system
for the creation of skimmed...
Maria Grazia Pia
05/09/2007, 08:00
Collaborative tools
Journal publication plays a fundamental role in scientific research, and has
practical effects on researchers’ academic career and towards funding agencies.
An analysis is presented, also based on the author’s experience as a member of the
Editorial Board of a major journal in Nuclear Technology, of publications about high
energy physics computing in refereed journals.
The statistical...
Sridhara Dasu
(University of Wisconsin)
05/09/2007, 08:00
Distributed data analysis and information management
We describe the ideas and present performance results from a rapid-response adaptive computing environment
(RACE) that we setup at the UW-Madison CMS Tier-2 computing center. RACE uses Condor technologies to allow
rapid-response to certain class of jobs, while suspending the longer running jobs temporarily. RACE allows us to use
our entire farm for long running production jobs, but also...
Sophie Lemaitre
05/09/2007, 08:00
Grid middleware and tools
The LFC (LCG File Catalogue) allows retrieving and registering the
location of physical replicas in the grid infrastructure given a
LFN (Logical File Name) or a GUID (Grid Unique Identifier).
Authentication is based on GSI (Grid Security Infrastructure) and
authorization uses also VOMS.
The catalogue has been installed in more than 100 sites. It is
essential to provide consistent ...
Nancy Marinelli
(University of Notre Dame)
05/09/2007, 08:00
Event Processing
A seed/track finding algorithm has been developed for
reconstruction of e+e- from converted photons. It combines
the information of the electromagnetic calorimeter with
the accurate information provided by the tracker.
An Ecal seeded track finding is used to locate the approximate
vertex of the conversion. Tracks found with this method are then
used as input to further inside-out...
Kilian Schwarz
05/09/2007, 08:00
Distributed data analysis and information management
After all LHC experiments managed to run globally distributed Monte Carlo
productions on the Grid, now the development of tools for equally spread
data analysis stands in the foreground. To grant Physicists access to this world
suited interfaces must be provided. As a starting point serves the analysis
framework ROOT/PROOF, which enjoys a wide distribution within the HEP
Andy Buckley
(Durham University)
05/09/2007, 08:00
Event Processing
The Rivet system is a framework for validation of Monte Carlo event generators
against archived experimental data, and together with JetWeb and HepData forms a core
element of the CEDAR event generator tuning programme. It is also an essential tool
in the development of next generation event generators by members of the MCnet
network. Written primarily in C++, Rivet provides a uniform...
Emmanuel Ormancey
05/09/2007, 08:00
Collaborative tools
Nearly every large organization use a tool to broadcast messages and
information across the internal campus (messages like alerts announcing
interruption in services or just information about upcoming events). The tool
typically allows administrators (operators) to send "targeted" messages which
is sent only to specific group of users or computers (for instance only those
Gregory Dubois-Felsmann
05/09/2007, 08:00
Grid middleware and tools
The BaBar experiment needs fast and efficient procedure for distributing
jobs to produce a large amount of simulated events for analysis purpose.
We discuss the benefits/drawbacks gained mapping the traditional
production schema on the grid paradigm, and describe the structure
implemented on the standard "public" resources of INFN-Grid project.
Data access/distribution on sites...
Steven Goldfarb
(University of Michigan)
05/09/2007, 08:00
Collaborative tools
"Shaping Collaboration 2006" was a workshop held in Geneva, on December 11-13, 2006, to examine the status
and future of collaborative tool technology and its usage for large global scientific collaborations, such as those of the
CERN LHC (Large Hadron Collider). The workshop brought together some of the leading experts in the field of
collaborative tools (WACE 2006) with physicists and...
Yaodong Cheng
(Institute of High Energy Physics,Chinese Academy of Sciences)
05/09/2007, 08:00
Grid middleware and tools
Currently more and more heterogeneous resources are integrated into LCG. Sharing LCG
files across different platforms, including different OS and grid middlewares, is a
basic issue. We implemented web service interface for LFC and simulated LCG file
access client by using globus Java CoG Kit.
Dorian Kcira
(University of Louvain)
05/09/2007, 08:00
Event Processing
With a total area of more than 200 square meters and about 16000 silicon detectors
the Tracker of the CMS experiment will be the largest silicon detector ever built.
The CMS silicon Tracker will detect charged tracks and will play a determinant role
in lepton reconstruction and heavy flavour quark tagging.
A general overview of the Tracker data handling software, which allows the...
Paul Miyagawa
(University of Manchester)
05/09/2007, 08:00
Event Processing
The ATLAS solenoid produces a magnetic field which enables the Inner
Detector to measure track momentum by track curvature. This solenoidal
magnetic field was measured using a rotating-arm mapping machine and, after
removing mapping machine effects, has been understood to the 0.05% level.
As tracking algorithms require the field strength at many different points,
the representation of...
Pavel Nevski
(Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL))
05/09/2007, 08:00
Grid middleware and tools
In order to be ready for the physics analysis ATLAS experiment is running
a world wide
Monte Carlo production for many different physics samples with different
detector conditions.
Job definition is the starting point of ATLAS production system. This is a
common interface for the ATLAS community to submit jobs for processing by
the Distrubuted production system used for all...
Robert Petkus
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
05/09/2007, 08:00
Distributed data analysis and information management
The RHIC/USATLAS Computing Facility at BNL has evaluated high-performance, low-cost
storage solutions in order to complement a substantial distributed file system
deployment of dCache (>400 TB) and xrootd (>130 TB). Currently, these file systems
are spread across disk-heavy computational nodes providing over 1.3 PB of aggregate
local storage. While this model has proven sufficient to...
Andrea Sciabà
05/09/2007, 08:00
Grid middleware and tools
The main goal of the Experiment Integration and Support (EIS) team in WLCG is to help
the LHC experiments with using proficiently the gLite middleware as part of their
computing framework. This contribution gives an overview of the activities of the EIS
team, and focuses on a few of them particularly important for the experiments. One
activity is the evaluation of the gLite workload...
Vladimir Ivantchenko
05/09/2007, 08:00
Event Processing
The testing suite for validation of Geant4 hadronic generators with the data of
thin target experiments is presented. The results of comparisons with the
neutron and pion production data of are shown for different Geant4 hadronic
generators for the beam momentum interval 0.5 – 12.9 GeV/c.
Tapio Lampen
(Helsinki Institute of Physics HIP)
05/09/2007, 08:00
Event Processing
We demonstrate the use of a ROOT Toolkit for Multivariate Data
Analysis (TMVA) in tagging b-jets associated with heavy
neutral MSSM Higgs bosons at the LHC.
The associated b-jets can be used to extract Higgs events from the
Drell-Yan background, for which the associated jets are mainly light
quark and gluon jets.
TMVA provides an evaluation for different multivariate
Suren Chilingaryan
(The Institute of Data Processing and Electronics, Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe)
05/09/2007, 08:00
Collaborative tools
For the reliable and timely forecasts of dangerous conditions of Space Weather
world-wide networks of particle detectors are located at different latitudes,
longitudes and altitudes. To provide better integration of these networks the DAS
(Data Acquisition System) is facing a challenge to establish reliable data exchange
between multiple network nodes which are often located in hardly...
Solveig Albrand
(LPSC/IN2P3/UJF Grenoble France)
05/09/2007, 08:00
Distributed data analysis and information management
AMI was chosen as the ATLAS dataset selection interface in July 2006. It should
become the main interface for searching for ATLAS data using physics metadata criteria.
AMI has been implemented as a generic database management framework which allows
parallel searching over many catalogues, which may have differing schema. The main
features of the web interface will be described; in...
Andy Buckley
(Durham University)
05/09/2007, 08:00
Event Processing
Monte Carlo event generators are an essential tool for modern particle physics; they
simulate aspects of collider events ranging from the parton-level "hard process" to
cascades of QCD radiation in both initial and final states, non-perturbative
hadronization processes, underlying event physics and specific particle decays. LHC
events in particular are so complex that event generator...
Daniele Bonacorsi
(INFN-CNAF, Bologna, Italy)
05/09/2007, 08:00
Distributed data analysis and information management
Early in 2007 the CMS experiment deployed a traffic load generator infrastructure, aimed at providing CMS
Computing Centers (Tiers of the WLCG) with a means for debugging, load-testing and commissioning data
transfer routes among them. The LoadTest is built upon, and relies on, the PhEDEx dataset transfer tool as a
reliable data replication system in use by CMS. On top of PhEDEx, the CMS...
Andrew McNab
(University of Manchester)
05/09/2007, 08:00
Collaborative tools
We describe the operation of, the website provided for GridPP and
its precursor, UK HEP Grid, since 2000, and explain the operational procedures of the
service and the various collaborative tools and components that were adapted or
developed for use on the site. We pay particular attention to the security issues
surrounding such a prominent site, and how the GridSite...
Raja Nandakumar
(Rutherford Appleton Laboratory)
05/09/2007, 08:00
Distributed data analysis and information management
The worldwide computing grid is essential to the LHC experiments in analysing the
data collected by the detectors. Within LHCb, the computing model aims to simulate
data at Tier-2 grid sites as well as non-grid resources. The reconstruction,
stripping and analysis of the produced LHCb data will primarily place at the Tier-1
centres. The computing data challenge DC06 started in May 2006...
Rudolf Frühwirth
(Inst. of High Energy Physics, Vienna)
05/09/2007, 08:00
Event Processing
We present the "LiC Detector Toy'' ("LiC'' for Linear Collider) program, a simple
but powerful software tool for detector design, modification and geometry studies. It
allows the user to determine the resolution of reconstructed track parameters for the
purpose of comparing and optimizing various detector set-ups. It consists of a
simplified simulation of the detector measurements, taking...
Antonio Retico
05/09/2007, 08:00
Grid middleware and tools
The WLCG/EGEE Pre-Production Service (PPS) is a grid infrastructure whose
goal is to give early access to new services to WLCG/EGEE users in order to
evaluate new features and changes in the middleware before new versions are
actually deployed in PPS.
The PPS grid counts about 30 sites providing resources and manpower.
The service contributes to the overall quality of the grid...
Winfried A. Mitaroff
(Institute of High Energy Physics (HEPHY) of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna)
05/09/2007, 08:00
Event Processing
A detector-independent toolkit (RAVE) is being developed for the reconstruction of the common
interaction vertices from a set of reconstructed tracks. It deals both with "finding" (pattern
recognition of track bundles) and with "fitting" (estimation of vertex position and track momenta).
The algorithms used so far include robust adaptive filters which are derived from the CMS...
Fabio Cossutti
05/09/2007, 08:00
Event Processing
The CMS Collaboration has developed a detailed simulation of the
electromagnetic calorimeter (ECAL), which has been fully integrated in
the collaboration software framework CMSSW. The simulation is based on
the Geant4 detector simulation toolkit for the modelling of the passage
of particles through matter and magnetic field. The geometrical
description of the detector is being...
Sergio Andreozzi
05/09/2007, 08:00
Grid middleware and tools
A key advantage of Grid systems is the capability of sharing
heterogeneous resources and services across traditional
administrative and organizational domains. This capability enables
the creation of virtual pools of resources that can be assigned to
groups of users. One of the problems that the utilization of such
pools presents is the awareness of the resources, i.e., the fact
Riccardo Zappi
05/09/2007, 08:00
Grid middleware and tools
In Grid systems, a core resource being shared among geographically-dispersed
communities of users is the storage. For this resource, a standard interface
specification (Storage Resource Management or SRM) was defined and is being evolved
in the context of the Open Grid Forum. By implementing this interface, all storage
resources part of a Grid could be managed in an homogenous fashion. In...
Piergiulio Lenzi
(Dipartimento di Fisica)
05/09/2007, 08:00
Event Processing
The first application of one of the official CMS tracking algorithm,
known as Combinatorial Track Finder, on cosmic
muon real data is described.
The CMS tracking system consists of a silicon pixel vertex detector and a
surrounding silicon microstrip detector.
The silicon strip tracker consists of 10 barrel layers and 12 endcap disks on each side.
The system is currently going through...
Andrea Fontana
05/09/2007, 08:00
Event Processing
The concept of Virtual Monte Carlo allows to use different Monte Carlo
programs to simulate particle physics detectors without changing the
geometry definition and the detector response simulation.
In this context, to study the reconstruction capabilities of a detector,
the availability of a tool to extrapolate the track parameters and their
associated errors due to magnetic field,...
Gabriele Compostella
(University Of Trento INFN Padova)
05/09/2007, 08:00
Distributed data analysis and information management
When the CDF experiment was developing its software infrastructure,
most computing was done on dedicated clusters. As a result,
libraries, configuration files, and large executable were
deployed over a shared file system.
As CDF started to move into the Grid world, the assumption of having a
shared file system showed its limits. In a widely distributed computing model,
such as the...
Don Petravick
05/09/2007, 08:00
Grid middleware and tools
Computing in High Energy Physics and other sciences is quickly moving toward the Grid
paradigm, with resources being distributed over hundreds of independent pools
scattered over the five continents. The transition from a tightly controlled,
centralized computing paradigm to a shared, widely distributed model, while bringing
many benefits, has also introduced new problems, a major one...
Andreas Weindl
(FZ Karlsruhe / IK), Dr
Harald Schieler
(FZ Karlsruhe / IK)
05/09/2007, 08:00
Distributed data analysis and information management
The KASCADE-Grande experiment is a multi-detector installation at the site of the
Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Germany, to measure and study extensive air showers
induced in the atmosphere by primary cosmic rays in the energy range from 10^14 to
10^18 eV. For three of the detector components, WEB based online event displays have
been implemented. They provide in a fast and simplified way...
Wilko Kroeger
05/09/2007, 08:00
Distributed data analysis and information management
The BaBar Experiment stores it reconstructed event data in root files
which amount to more then one petabyte and more then two million files.
All the data are stored in the mass storage system (HPSS) at SLAC and part
of the data is exported to Tier-A sites.
Fast and reliable access to the data is provided by Xrootd at all sites.
It integrates with a mass storage system and files that...