Symposium on Lasers and Accelerators for Science & Society
Arena and Convention Centre Liverpool
Particle accelerators have numerous applications across many fields including fundamental research, medicine, electronics, environment and energy. As the limits of performance are reached new methods for particle acceleration and beam optimisation are needed.
Lasers will play a key role in the development of accelerators by improving the generation of particle beams, increasing the maximum acceleration gradient, and advanced beam diagnostics methods.
World-renowned scientists will present highlights in accelerator and laser research at this Symposium and the enormous impact these tools had on science and society.
They will be joined by Fellows from the European networks oPAC and LA³NET who will present the results of their research and share their fascination for science. Their work will be reviewed by the Supervisory Boards of both networks. The event will gather around 250 delegates from both projects, local schools that have been invited, and other registered participants.
The symposium is organized by the LA³NET and oPAC consortia which have received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreements 289485 (oPAC) and 289191 (LA³NET).