20–24 Jul 2015
Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies
Europe/Berlin timezone

The LHC is a GlueBall factory - probing a novel form of pure gauge matter from the early universe to cosmic rays

20 Jul 2015, 11:30
Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies

Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies

Goethe-Universität FrankfurtCampus Riedberg Ruth-Moufang-Straße 1 60438 Frankfurt am Main GERMANY
Talk Seniors


Prof. Horst Stöcker (FIAS & GSI)


Pure SU_c Lattice Gauge Theory, LGT, predicts a strong first order phase transition ‎from a deconfined glue plasma to a confined GlueBall fluid, at a critical temperature of T_c=270 MeV. QCD-transport calculations show that such pure gauge matter can be created for a fleeting moment in high multiplicity pp, pA and AA collisions at the LHC at CERN and at RHiC at BNL. Pure gauge matter is also predicted to be formed in Air Showers of UHE Cosmic Rays - this novel phase of matter may also have existed briefly during the big bang. ‎Experimental observables which pin down the properties of this new form of pure gauge matter are discussed.


Prof. Horst Stöcker (FIAS & GSI) Dr Kai Zhou (ITP, Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main)

Presentation materials