Accomodation info
The conference takes place on the Campus Riedberg, which is at the north of Frankfurt and easily reachable by subway. Line U8 has a stop 60 meters next to FIAS, while U3 has a stop 400 meters away.
Hotel suggestions
The following hotels are suggestions which are close to the campus.
- Relexa Hotel Frankfurt
- Hotel Sandelmuehle
- Hotel Heddernheimer Hof
- B & B Hotel Frankfurt-Nord
- Fredd Hotel Nordwest
- Hotel Brighella
- Hotel Concordia
- Gasthaus & Hotel Goldene Gerste
- Hotel Garni Gute Nacht
Hotel/conference site route planners
For an estimate of travelling times, type your hotel address as starting location and Frankfurt Riedberg as destination (i.e. the closest station at the conference site). FIAS website has a guide how to reach us. Further relevant websites are:
- Local metro system: Rhein-Main-Verkehrsverbund
- National railway company: Deutsche Bahn
- International airport (25min subway from FIAS): Frankfurt Airport
- Frankfurt tourism
- Another Frankfurt Hotel guide
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