20–24 Jul 2015
Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies
Europe/Berlin timezone

Quantum-gravity phenomenology with primordial black holes

23 Jul 2015, 15:00
Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies

Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies

Goethe-Universität FrankfurtCampus Riedberg Ruth-Moufang-Straße 1 60438 Frankfurt am Main GERMANY


Francesca Vidotto (Radboud University Nijmegen)


Quantum gravity may allow black holes to tunnel into white holes. If so, the lifetime of a black hole would be shorter than the one given by Hawking evaporation, solving the information paradox. More interestingly, this could open to a new window for quantum-gravity phenomenology, in connection with the existence of primordial black holes. I discuss in particular the power of the associated explosion and the possibility to observe an astrophysical signal in the radio and in the gamma wavelengths.


Francesca Vidotto (Radboud University Nijmegen)


Aurelien Barrau (LPSC Laboratoire de Physique Subatomique et de Cosmologie (LPSC)) Prof. Carlo Rovelli (Aix-Marseille University)

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