Chair: E. Winstanley
Dennis D. Dietrich
23/07/2015, 15:30
Recently, I have shown how an AdS$_{d+1}$ description of $d$ dimensional gauge field theories arises readily in the worldline formalism of quantum field theory. In this talk I will dicuss the role the AdS black hole plays in this worldline based approach to holography.
Ilia Musco
(CNRS, Observatorire de Paris, LUTH (Meudon))
23/07/2015, 16:00
In the context of gravitational collapse to form a black hole, one sees the appearance of inner and outer trapping horizons (foliated by marginally trapped surfaces), as was already noted in numerical calculations in the 1960s. This phenomenology has acquired new interest in connection with discussions of the Hayward unified first law of black hole dynamics. We have investigated the nature of...
Fabio Scardigli
(American University of the Middle East)
23/07/2015, 16:30
We compute the corrections to the Schwarzschild metric necessary to reproduce the Hawking temperature derived from a Generalized Uncertainty Principle (GUP), so that the GUP deformation parameter is directly linked to the deformation of the metric. Using this modified Schwarzschild metric, we compute corrections to the standard General Relativistic predictions for
the light deflection and...
Shoichi Kawamoto
(Chung Yuan Christian University)
23/07/2015, 17:00
We study a statistical ensemble of a single polymer with self gravitational interaction. This is a model of a gravitating string --- the precursor of a black hole. We analyze averaged sizes by mean field approximations with an effective Hamiltonian a la Edwards with Newtonian potential as well as a contact repulsive interaction. We find that there exists a certain scaling region where the...